Part I of this article estimated
that in the long-run U.S. households could save 47 billion kWh/yr.
and more than $4 billion per year if electronic devices used
high-efficiency power supplies. Part II of this article addresses
the issue of whether high-efficiency power supplies are worth the
cost and whether anyone is doing anything about it.
Power Supply Efficiency Standards
Voluntary power supply efficiency standards, like Energy Star
(supported by EPA) or 80 Plus (supported by a consortium of
electric utilities), exist in the U.S., Europe, Japan, China, and
other countries and regions. The real issue is mandatory
standards. In 2001, Executive Order 13221 established mandatory
standards for standby power usage in Federal agencies.(1) More
recently, Australia and California (with Arizona, New York,
Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington piggy-backing on the
California approach) established mandatory standards covering
certain power supplies at the Energy Star levels. Figures 1, 2,
and 3 show the California standards and their effective dates.(2)
Part I of this article compared measured power supply loads to
these standards (and related standards under development for other
power supply categories) and showed that savings of about 60% in
standby and about 10 percentage points in active mode were
realistic if all the products on the market met the standards.(3)

Technical Feasibility
About 25-35% of single-voltage external power supplies on the
market meet the standards in active mode, standby mode, or both.
Overall, the issue of technical feasibility is rapidly shifting
towards a limited set of specialized constraints. Comments by the
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers and the Consumer
Electronics Association show that the main objections to mandatory
standards relate to very low-wattage or low-voltage devices,
infrequently used or charged devices, appliance battery chargers,
compatibility across manufacturers, noise for very low standby
loads, sourcing, and compliance schedules.(4,5,6) These objections
focus on schedules, product cycles, and business operations
practices, not technical feasibility for mainstream household
electronics devices.
Internal power supplies and PC power supplies (internal or
external) pose additional technical challenges, including
measuring efficiency for power supplies integrated into the
circuit board or across multiple voltage buses and multiple
operating modes. Formal Energy Star PC and internal power supply
standards are scheduled for 2007. Industry opposition is likely to
be the same as for mainstream external power supplies – a lot of
concern over measurement, schedules, product cycles, and business
practices and far fewer questions about broad technical
Details on technical feasibility and standards development can
be found at many sites including Energy Star,(7,8,9) 80 Plus,(10)
NRDC,(11) the Consumer Electronics Association,(12) and Efficient
Commercial Feasibility
Manufacturers voluntarily use SMPS for two main reasons. The
first reason is that heat, size, weight, or portability materially
influence purchase decisions. Some PCs and cell phones and most
servers fall into this category. Apple Computer and
Hewlett-Packard are among the most-well known major American
manufacturers promoting energy efficiency in their products(15,16)
and are perhaps the only two major manufacturers supporting
California’s mandatory standards. The second reason is that the
rising cost of copper- and iron-intensive linear power supplies
makes them more expensive than SMPS in some cases.
On the other hand, when consumers don’t care and the
inefficient products are selling, inertia takes over. For example,
among big-screen flat panel televisions, active mode loads often
differ by 50-100% or more across otherwise equivalent models.
Standby loads sometimes differ by more than a factor of ten.(17)
In the category of 61-62” rear projection televisions, a highly
efficient JVC model draws 3.4 watts in standby while a comparably
rated Mitsubishi model draws 39.8 watts.(18) Among LCD
televisions, a 20” model from Sharp and a 27” model from Envision
operate at about the same power in standby but in active mode the
Sharp model uses 57% less electricity per sq. inch of viewing area
than the Envision model. Given the functional similarity of most
big-screen televisions of the same type and size, especially in
standby mode, the obvious conclusion is that energy efficiency is
not a universal design requirement.
Among retailers, the opposition to mandatory standards includes
complaints over the loss of choice, the loss of products, noise,
pricing, sourcing, compatibility, product cycles, and regulatory
lead times. While these issues have merit on the margin, the
primary (though unstated) issue is that consumers don’t use
efficiency as a purchase decision factor. It is no coincidence
that almost all the power supplies carried by one of the most
vocal retail opponents of mandatory standards (Radio Shack) are
inexpensive, inefficient, and non-compliant LPS.(19)
Despite a high degree of manufacturer and retailer inertia,
there is a growing market for SMPS among certain manufacturers and
in certain product categories. The industry beneficiaries of this
demand include Power Integrations, the world’s leading supplier of
high-efficiency SMPS integrated circuit chips.(20) Other major
chip suppliers include Fairchild Semiconductor, On Semiconductor,
STMicroelectronics, and Infineon Technologies. The leading
suppliers of the complete SMPS include Delta Electronics and Sea
Cost and Cost-Effectiveness
The integrated circuit chip at the core of a high-efficiency
SMPS typically costs around 50 cents. The remaining components,
circuitry, packaging, etc. bring the wholesale cost of the
complete power supply up to the range of a few dollars for small
power supplies to $10 or more for large ones. For very high-volume
purchasers of very low-power SMPS (e.g., a large cellphone OEM
buying trickle chargers) the SMPS might be a dollar apiece or
less. Relative to copper- and iron-based linear power supplies,
the incremental costs for low-wattage power supplies are typically
less than $1.00 and may be less than zero. For higher-wattage
power supplies the incremental costs may be $5 or more. In some
cases, especially where the market is small, the incremental costs
can be tens of dollars.
A concern of some PC manufacturers, such as Dell, is that as
the efficiency of BAU power supplies increases beyond the 70%
range in active mode, the incremental advantage of going to 80% or
more is not cost-effective.(23) Intel, for example, requires 70%
efficiency at full load, 72% at typical load, and 65% at light
load but recommends 77%, 80%, and 75%, respectively.(24) These
efficiency standards are higher than those of only a few years ago
and close to what is expected from the forthcoming Energy Star
While there is disagreement over cost-effectiveness in some
cases, the broad issue of cost-effectiveness is in little doubt.
For example, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
concluded in 2002 that there was no evidence of any systematic
difference in costs to consumers for power supplies meeting the
standby standards.(25) To the extent there is uncertainty over
cost-effectiveness, the primary issue is not the incremental cost
of the devices but the level of BAU efficiency. A study by TIAX
for the Consumer Electronics Association argued that analyses of
the retail market in 2005 showed substantially lower standby loads
than studies done only 3-5 years earlier and that the net
cost-effective savings from further improvements in efficiency
were uncertain.(26) On the other hand, another recent study by
TIAX, this time for the Department of Energy, estimated that
annual household information technology usage would increase from
42 billion kWh today to 53 billion kWh in 2010 in a
business-as-usual environment but decrease to 31 billion kWh in
2010 in a high-efficiency environment (27) In other words, the
opportunities for efficiency are enormous, only the market
incentives and government actions are missing.
Additional details on costs and cost-effectiveness can be found
at the summary level in the LBNL memo noted above(28) and in
reports by Ecos Consulting / NRDC,(29) and the California Energy
Political Feasibility
In the U.S., California has always been the national leader in
mandatory appliance efficiency standards, of which power supplies
are only one category.(31,32) Mandatory federal standards, which
cover appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners but not
power supplies, have always lagged the California standards in
breadth, depth, and timeliness. The current situation is no
exception. Because the California standards take effect starting
in 2007, and because there are various phase-in timetables
regarding existing and new products, it will be a couple of years
before the full impact of the standards can be measured. If the
standards are successful, it is likely that either most other
states will follow, making the California standards de facto
national standards, or the U.S. will adopt some version of the
standards to simplify the regulations for manufacturers. This
assumes, of course, that Congress doesn’t enact mandatory
inefficiency standards instead.
In late 2005, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved
an amendment by Representative Mary Bono (R-CA) that would set
meaningless efficiency standards for digital television adapters (DTAs)
and, more importantly, prevent the individual States from imposing
standards of their own. (DTAs will be necessary in July 2009 for
all households using over-the-air analog reception because
broadcasters will be required to switch to digital transmission.)
The argument raised by the manufacturers and accepted by the
committee on a party-line vote was that the California standards
would price low-income households out of the DTA market. The
committee rejected the argument that a DTA manufactured to
California standards would cost a household an estimated $6 more
at the time of purchase and save $42 in electricity over its
estimated five-year operating life, paying for itself in less than
one year.(33,34) While the Bono amendment only pertains to DTAs,
it is always possible that Congress will override California and
extend other Federal inefficiency standards to the entire country.
One Economist’s Perspective on Mandatory Standards
There are many general reasons why industry and Congressional
objections to mandatory power supply standards at the proposed
levels are incorrect and why California is acting in the public’s
best interest.
First, it has long been recognized that voluntary standards are
of little value. In fact, this is the reason for mandatory
appliance efficiency standards in the first place. Consumers are
myopic with respect to the time-value of money, ignore life-cycle
energy costs, and focus almost exclusively on a few functional or
appearance-related variables, all to their long-run financial
detriment. Manufacturers respond to this myopia as expected. The
notion that the market will deliver privately-efficient results
(let alone publicly-efficient results) collapses in the face of
implied discount rates for energy efficiency of 50-100% or more.
These exceptionally high discount rates may make economic sense if
the products have materially different non-energy characteristics,
i.e., consumers may weight the non-energy characteristics more
highly than the energy characteristics. This is the case with CAFE
standards for vehicles. It is impossible to make this case where
the energy-efficient products have no material non-energy
deficiencies, as is the case with SMPS (unless reduced heat, size,
and weight are considered deficiencies). There is a lengthy
literature on the inability of consumers to make efficient
choices, the implications of split incentives, the net costs to
consumers, and the net benefits of government action so this issue
need not be belabored further.(35,36,37)
Second, many studies purporting to find mandates
cost-ineffective do not properly measure the benefits. These
studies include benefits only against standards that are in place
(e.g., standby) but give no credit for savings for which no
standards yet exist (e.g., active mode). While manufacturers can
claim, correctly, that they cannot actually make power supplies to
standards that do not yet exist, a benefit-cost analysis must
include estimates of savings in all modes. Since the same SMPS
technology that delivers the standby savings delivers the active
mode savings, both categories should be evaluated.
Third, the U.S. government spends billions of dollars annually
researching, developing, and subsidizing electric power generating
technologies (nuclear, clean coal, solar & wind, etc.) that, by
definition, do not meet commercial investment requirements. At the
same time, the U.S. government ignores (or opposes) legislative or
regulatory actions that deliver returns of 50-100% or more on
electrical efficiency. This makes absolutely no economic sense.
Fourth, economists are concerned with competition, not
competitors. The issue isn’t whether compliance costs for the
least-efficient competitors will make their products uncompetitive
but whether any manufacturers can make compliant and competitive
products. This is where politics takes center stage. For all their
oratory about favoring free competition, most politicians gain
very little from competition but a great deal from competitors –
especially those who contribute to their campaigns or employ
workers in their districts. There is a large literature on what
economists call rent-seeking behavior as corporate and political
self-interest trumps individual and public welfare. Periodically,
however, even these activities become so blatant and so
objectionable to taxpayers and voters that politicians are forced
to act in a way that benefits the public. With respect to power
supply efficiency standards, California recognized this after its
electricity debacle five years ago. Five other states have agreed
and many other states are watching closely. The U.S. Congress is,
at best, missing in action or, in the case of the House Energy and
Commerce Committee, favoring mandatory inefficiency to the
detriment of the public.
Finally, governments must be concerned with external costs and
benefits. High efficiency power supplies have few external costs
but large external benefits, including reduced CO2 emissions,
reduced demand for power plants, reduced transmission congestion,
and reduced demand for fossil-fuel transportation infrastructure.
For example, the EPA estimates U.S. average CO2 emissions at about
1.4 lbs/kWh.(38) At this rate, saving 47 billion kWh/yr. implies
reducing 35 million tons of CO2 per year, or equivalent to more
than 0.5% of total U.S. CO2 emissions. It is also equivalent to
the power output of 7,000 MW of baseload generating capacity
operating at 80% capacity factor and subject to typical
transmission and distribution losses.
Manufacturers and, to a much lesser extent, retailers do have
one very valid objection to mandatory standards. Manufacturers
cannot continually redesign their products to meet new standards.
Mandates must be certain and stable at commercially reasonable
levels over a commercially reasonable period of time. Legislators
and regulators cannot say, for example, that standards will be set
at the equivalent of “best available control technology” or that
the standards will be reviewed for upgrading every year or two.
With legislative and regulatory certainty and with reasonable lead
times, phase-in periods, exemptions for non-mainstream products,
etc., then the establishment of mandatory power supply efficiency
standards is a winning outcome for all parties. Indeed, compared
to the inertial movement in a voluntary system, it is the only
winning outcome for all parties.
U.S. households could annually save at least 47 billion kWh and
$4 billion with efficient power supplies. There is a trend towards
more efficient power supplies in some products, especially PCs,
but there is a much larger trend towards very high-wattage
consumer devices, especially big-screen, flat panel televisions,
digital set-top boxes, video game consoles, and graphics-intensive
PCs. The net effect of these two trends is that total consumer
electronics loads and total avoidable inefficiency are rising
High-efficiency switch-mode power supplies (SMPS) can
dramatically increase the efficiency of these household
electronics devices. Incremental costs are modest and sometimes
absolutely lower than costs for inefficient linear power supplies
(LPS). However, industry inertia and consumer myopia far outweigh
all other factors and guarantee that the slow voluntary trend
towards efficiency lags the rapid trend towards more devices per
household and much more wattage per device. A single top-end home
entertainment center (big-screen, flat panel television; video
game console, and digital set-top box) now draws more watts in
active mode and about as many watts in standby mode as all the
electronics devices combined for the average household of only a
few years ago. Under current voluntary efficiency standards there
is little prospect of this changing anytime soon.
If avoidable energy inefficiency is to be minimized, it will be
the result of mandatory efficiency standards enacted by California
and thus far adopted in whole or in part by five other states.
Unfortunately, there is no indication that the U.S. Congress has
any interest in accelerating this process and, in one glaring
counter-example, demonstrated its preference for retarding it.
Assuming California’s actions are not broadly overturned by
Congress, there is a chance that high-efficiency power supplies in
some categories will become de facto national standards over time
simply because major manufacturers will not find it practical to
redesign their products only for the states with mandates.
Beneficiaries will be consumers, taxpayers, the electric power
system, and the environment. In the meantime, industry inertia,
consumer myopia, and Congressional inaction are costing U.S.
consumers billions of dollars per year in unnecessary electricity
Finally, in considering the significance of power supply
efficiency, note that the potential to save 47 billion kWh per
year, $4 billion per year, 7,000 MW of baseload generation, and
0.5% of U.S. CO2 emissions is attributable to easily achievable
efficiency gains in a grand total of one technology segment
(electronic devices) in a grand total of one market segment
(residential). Although not discussed in this article, there is a
significant literature on the potential savings from easily
achievable efficiency gains in other major technology segments
(e.g., lighting, appliances, motors, and buildings) across all
three major market segments (residential, commercial, industrial).
In total, the savings dwarf those discussed in this article. What
is missing, however, is the same: market-driven demands for
efficiency and government-directed mandates for efficiency.
Without a dramatic change in these factors, all the technological
improvements in the world won’t make a difference in the long-run.
400-2006-002.PDF, Tables U-1, U-2, U-3. The standards starting
July 1, 2006 on Table U-1 (Figure 1 in this article) have been
delayed until January 1, 2007.
3 Energy Star standards for active mode efficiency for devices
with internal power supplies and PCs are in development and
expected in 2007. In terms of active mode usage, internal power
supplies represent a much larger total load, notably coming from
home entertainment and information technology devices.
20meeting/PS% 20CoC%20meeting%20101104%20Fanara%20External.pdf
18 Ibid.
34 (Cost
estimates rebased to one DTA for this article)
38 (page 8). The
marginal rate is estimated at 1.2 lbs/kWh.
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