American Lung Association Takes a Look at Biodiesel and Air Quality

 Biodiesel can play a key role in reducing harmful emissions and improving air quality and human health, according to speakers at the first Air Quality and Alternative Transportation Fuel Forum, held in Jefferson, Mo. Attendees included leaders of health and environmental organizations, as well as government officials and industry representatives.

 “The bottom line is that biodiesel is spreading like wildfire as more public and private fleets, government agencies and individuals realize biodiesel’s environmental and health benefits,” said Joe Jobe, chief executive officer of the National Biodiesel Board.

 During the Forum, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation Bill Wehrum discussed the newly published proposed regulations implementing the Renewable Fuel Standard. The proposed regulations would give refiners and other covered entities who blend biodiesel 1.5 times the base RFS credit. The adjusted credit is due to biodiesel’s high energy content. 

Dr. Robert McCormick, principal engineer for the U.S. Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory, presented conclusions drawn from the latest biodiesel emissions data, including:

• A blend of 20% biodiesel (B20) can reduce particulate matter emissions by more than 20% based on heavy duty vehicle testing;

• Biodiesel blends significantly reduce toxic compound emissions;

• Use of B20 can reduce life-cycle carbon dioxide emissions by 19%.

 Contact: Jenna Higgins, National Biodiesel Board, (800) 841-5849,

 (EIN STAFF: 9/11)