Renewables must improve cost and performance, says US strategy

WASHINGTON, DC, US, October 11, 2006 (Refocus Weekly)

A transition from fossil fuels to renewables will require “continued improvements in cost and performance of renewable technologies,” says the strategic plan of the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program.

The plan was released by the Department of Energy to examine measures which accelerate the development and reduce the cost of new and advanced technologies to avoid, reduce or capture and store greenhouse gas emissions. CCTP is the technology component of a strategy introduced in 2002 to combat climate change, which includes measures to spur clean energy technology development and deployment and slow the growth of GHG emissions through voluntary, incentive-based and mandatory partnerships.

The plan organizes US$3 billion in federal spending for climate technology and sets six goals, and examines renewables, energy efficiency, hydrogen and green fuels among an array of other low-emissions energy technologies. Cumulative global emissions over the next century must be reduced by 300 to 1,000 billion tonnes of carbon, and it explains that deployment of 1 million MW of wind turbines would reduce emissions by only 1 billion tonnes per year while advanced energy efficiency could cut 270 billion tonnes.

Renewables contributed 5.9 quads (8% of supply or 6% of total energy) in the U.S. in 2003, of which 2.8 quads came from hydropower, 2.7 from burning biomass, 0.3 from geothermal and 0.1 quads from solar and wind energy combined, it notes. An additional 0.2 quads of ethanol were produced from corn for transportation.

“The technologies in the suite of renewable energy technologies are in various states of market penetration or readiness” and, in many cases, industry has the financial incentive to make incremental improvements to commercialized renewable energy technologies, or other policies exist to promote renewable energy development and deployment. Hydropower is well established but technological improvements could increase efficiency, while geothermal is established in some areas but “significant improvements are needed to tap broader resources.”

“The installation of wind energy has been rapidly and steadily expanding during the past several years” and, in the past decade, global wind capacity has increased ten-fold from 3.5 GW in 1994 to 59 GW by 2006. “Technology improvements will continue to lower the cost of land-based wind energy and will enable access to the immense wind resources in shallow and deep waters of U.S. coastal areas and the Great Lakes near large energy markets.”

“The next generations of solar - with improved performance and lower cost - are in various stages of concept identification, laboratory research, engineering development, and process scale-up,” it explains. Development of integrated and advanced systems involving solar PV, concentrating solar and solar buildings “are in early stages of development but advances in these technologies are expected to make them competitive with conventional sources in the future.”

Renewable energy technologies are modular and can be used to help meet the energy needs of a stand-alone application or building, an industrial plant or community, or the larger needs of a national grid or fuel network, and this flexibility requires that technologies and standards to interconnect green power are very important. The diversity of renewable energy sources “offers a broad array of technology choices that can reduce CO2 emissions,” and increasing the contribution of renewables to the U.S. energy portfolio will directly lower GHG intensity.

“Given the diversity of the stages of development of the technologies, impacts on different economic sectors, and geographic dispersion of renewable energy sources, it is likely that a portfolio of renewable energy technologies - not just one - will contribute to lowering CO2 emissions,” the report notes. “The composition of this portfolio will change as R&D continues and markets change” and “appropriately balancing investments in developing this portfolio will be important to maximizing the effect of renewable energy technologies on GHG emissions in the future.”

“Transitioning from today’s reliance on fossil fuels to a global energy portfolio that includes significant renewable energy sources will require continued improvements in cost and performance of renewable technologies,” and this transition will require “shifts
in the energy infrastructure to allow a more diverse mix of technologies to be delivered efficiently to consumers in forms they can readily use.” Changes include additional transmission lines to access green power resources located far from load centres and storage to accommodate intermittent renewables, as well as greater use of renewables in a distributed generation mode and adapting current fossil generation for biomass co-firing.”

“The transition from today’s energy mix to a state of GHG stabilization can be projected as an interweaving of individual renewable energy technologies with other energy technologies, as well as market developments through the upcoming decades,” it continues. “Today, grid-connected wind energy, geothermal, solar energy and biopower systems are well established. Demand for these systems is growing in some parts of the world. Solar hot-water technologies are reasonably established, although improvements continue. Markets are growing for small, high-value or remote applications of solar PV, wind and biomass CHP.

“In the near term, as system costs continue to decrease, the penetration of off-grid systems could continue to increase rapidly, including integration of renewable systems such as photovoltaics into buildings” and, as interconnection issues are resolved, “the number of grid-connected renewable systems could increase quite rapidly, meeting local energy needs such as uninterruptible power, community power, or peak shaving.”

“Wind energy may expand most rapidly among grid-connected applications, with solar expanding as system costs are reduced,” it adds. “The use of utility-scale wind technology is likely to continue to expand onshore and is targeted to become competitive in select offshore locations between 5 and 50 nautical miles from shore and in water depths 30 m or less. Small wind turbines are on the verge of operating cost-effectively in most of the rural areas of the U.S. and more than 15 million homes have the potential to generate electricity with small wind turbines.”

“With a further maturing of the market, costs will be lowered to compete directly with retail rates for homeowners, farmers, small businesses, and community-based projects,” it notes.

“Strategic research is needed to enable a transition from current reliance on fossil fuels to a portfolio that includes significant renewable energy sources, with a shift in infrastructure to allow for a more diverse mix of technologies,” it concludes. “Research in materials and composites will lead to improved wind energy systems by enabling larger blades on wind turbine systems leading to lower unit costs for wind power and the economic use of wind turbines with low-speed wind resources.”

The CCTP strategy envisions that, ultimately, “societies could see extensive adoption of low emissions infrastructure and communities, low emissions intelligent transport systems, wide-spread adoption of renewable energy and nuclear power, large scale adoption of zero emission power plants with carbon sequestration, fusion power plants, and high levels of management of emissions of non-CO2 GHGs,” it explains.

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