From: UC Berkeley Newswire
Published December 20, 2007 06:44 PM
Economists: extreme cold weather costly, deadly
Fatalities in the continental United States tend to climb for several
weeks after severe cold spells, ultimately numbering 360 per chilly day and
14,380 per year, according to a new study co-authored by a University of
California, Berkeley, economist.
Deaths linked to extreme cold account for 0.8 percent of the nation's annual
death rate and outnumber those attributed to leukemia, murder and chronic
liver disease combined, the study reports. Cold-related deaths also reduce
the average life expectancy of Americans by at least a decade, it says.
The numbers are "remarkably large," said Enrico Moretti, a UC Berkeley
associate professor of economics, and Oliver Deschenes, an associate
professor of economics at UC Santa Barbara, in a December 2007 working
paper, "Extreme Weather Events, Mortality and Migration."
The study also says that demographic shifts from colder climes to warmer
ones -- for reasons such as better jobs, cheaper housing and sunshine -
appear to delay an estimated 4,600 deaths a year. The researchers also said
that over the past 30 years, longevity gains associated with geographic
mobility accounted for between 4 and 7 percent of the increases in life
expectancy in the United States.
In research conducted for the National Bureau of Economic Research, the
economists looked at immediate and longer-term death rates after at least 24
hours at temperatures between 10 and 20 Fahrenheit degrees below normal -
and those over 80 or 90 degrees Fahrenheit - for the county and the month
They offer new evidence of the role of extreme weather in understanding the
underlying causes of a steadily improving average lifespan in the United
States and provide insights for policy makers charged with allocating
financial and other resources following often headline-grabbing heat or
freezing weather.
The establishment, at often great expense, of "cooling centers" and the
mobilization of emergency personnel in major cities in advance of or after
heat waves doesn't seem to serve much purpose beyond alleviating mild
discomfort, said Moretti.
Likewise, he said, there seem to be few immediate options for helping those
most at risk deal with cold weather dangers: "A lifetime of deprivation is
hard to counteract in the short run."
Noting increasing concern that higher temperatures and incidence of extreme
weather events caused by global warming could create major public health
problems, the economists said they relied on actual, recorded data and
avoided hypothetical possibilities.
Among their key findings:
Women account for two-thirds of deaths following a period of severe cold,
although it is unclear why.
Infants and males living in low-income areas also are at high risk of dying
after a cold spell.
The death rate declines dramatically after scorching temperatures subside,
while deaths after cold spells continue to increase for weeks.
Death rates do not escalate after cold snaps that occur when the price of
oil is high.
Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are the top causes of death for
those who die following severe hot or cold weather.
Not surprisingly, those hardest hit by both heat and cold waves are adults
75 years of age or older, many who were already physically vulnerable and
who would likely have died even in the absence of the temperature shocks.
U.S. mortality rates peak in December and January and are at their lowest
points from mid-July to mid-August.
Cities recording the biggest numbers of cold weather-related deaths include
Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis and Cleveland, according to Moretti and
Deschenes. They estimated that 1.4 percent to 3.2 percent of the annual
deaths in those cities could be delayed if people reduced their exposure to
extremely cold weather.
The researchers acknowledged the geographic differences among the nation's
20 largest metropolitan statistical areas that were included in their study.
For example, residents of San Diego, Los Angeles, Fort Lauderdale and
Phoenix recorded no bouts of extreme cold, while Philadelphians faced 31
cold days a year on average, New Yorkers 36, Bostonians 50, Chicagoans 57,
Detroit residents 69 and Minneapolis residents 109.
For the 1972 to 1988 time frame examined, researchers reported that the
Chicago area recorded 542 deaths per 100,000 people in the 65-plus age group
per day of severe cold, followed by Minneapolis with 448 and Detroit with
426. For the 20 urban areas studied, the economists said that 3,054 deaths
theoretically could have been delayed by moving the individuals to warmer
Moretti and Deschenes said that evidence suggests that people can get
acclimatized to the cold. The recorded death rate was substantially larger
in countries where people were exposed to 10 or fewer cold days a year and
lower in counties that have at least 90 cold days a year, they said.
They noted that between 1970 and 2000, the average age of death among the
U.S. white population increased 8.1 years for females and 6.3 years for
males. They examined all U.S.-born individuals who during the study period
lived in a county other than where they were born, and compared the weather
exposure in the individuals' home states with that of the county where they
Data for the extreme weather study came from the U.S. Multiple Causes of
Death files and included the cause, date and age of death, the county where
the death occurred in the continental U.S., and the sex of the person who
The researchers drew on population totals for 2,279 counties by age groups
to calculate daily mortality rates and included daily temperature and
precipitation information from the National Climatic Data Center's 24,833
weather stations operating during the sample period.
Their report is online at: . |