Next generation nuke could cost up to $4.3 bil to build: US DOE

Washington (Platts)--13Dec2007

Demonstrating the commercial viability of a high-temperature gas-cooled
nuclear reactor capable of producing both electricity and hydrogen could cost
between $3.8 billion and $4.3 billion, according to estimates from three
contract teams competing in the US Department of Energy's Next Generation
Nuclear Plant project.

The project is aimed at developing an HTGR by 2021. A prototype reactor
is to be sited at the Idaho National Laboratory.

The teams chosen to complete initial designs were led by Areva NP,
General Atomics and Westinghouse.

While there was a range for the cost of the prototype plant, DOE said
estimates by all three teams were very similar for the so-called "Nth of a
kind" plant, meaning those that are built after the first few are up and

The estimate for a four-unit plant with a thermal power level of between
2,000 MW and 2,400 MW) was close to $4 billion, according to a DOE report on
the pre-conceptual designs for the next generation plant.

DOE said the report, which has a November date, is expected to be made
available soon on its web site.

--Jenny Weil,