As concern over climate change, as well as long-term security
of energy supply grows in Europe one thermal technology often overlooked
could present a solution. Modern waste-to-energy technology’s potential
contribution to the region’s environment and energy policies is
Waste to Energy (WtE) plants thermally treat household waste and
waste similar to household waste that is not otherwise reusable or
recyclable, and generate electricity and heat from it, which is
delivered to homes and industry. Currently approximately 58.5 million
tonnes of municipal waste is thermally treated each year in some 418 WtE
plants in Europe.
Despite European Union (EU) policy to divert biodegradable waste from
landfill, landfilling remains the dominant method for municipal solid
waste (MSW). At present in the EU (EU-27) MSW is disposed of through
landfilling (45 per cent), WtE (18 per cent), recycling and composting
(37 per cent).
According to the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC, biodegradable
municipal waste going to landfills must be reduced to 35 per cent of the
total amount (base year 1995) by 2016 (by 2020 for the UK and other
member states that were sending more than 80 per cent of their collected
municipal waste to landfill in 1995). WtE, together with recycling and
composting, could help to divert waste from landfills and at the same
time reducing landfill methane emissions, thus contributing to climate
However, there are many different reasons for landfilling’s
continuing dominance, most notably the fact that in many countries
landfilling is the cheapest way to dispose of waste and that investment
costs for recycling and WtE plants are quite high. They need planning
security and rely heavily on waste management policy (to divert waste
from landfill1).
While separate collection and recycling of waste must be supported
where environmentally and economically efficient, the remaining
materials, which cannot be fully reused or recycled, should be treated
in the most environmentally sound way. That means instead of simply
disposing of waste on landfill, energy should be recovered from it.
In order to bring about sustainable waste management we need a
combination of the complementary options of WtE, material recycling and
biological treatment (composting and anaerobic digestion).
WtE plants deliver the electricity and heat generated from waste to
households and industry, thus replacing the energy produced by
conventional power plants, using fossil fuels. This is how they help to
reduce CO2
emissions and reaching the aims of the Kyoto Protocol.
On the basis that about 58.5 million tonnes of MSW is annually
treated in WtE plants across Europe then around 9.6 million tonnes of
hard coal (emitting 27.2 million tonnes of CO2
emissions) or 8.1 billion m3
of natural gas (emitting 16 million tonnes of CO2
emissions) can be substituted. At the same time some 23.4 million MWh of
electricity and 58.5 million MWh of heat can be generated from the
waste, supplying 17.5 million inhabitants with electricity and 33.2
million inhabitants with heat. This is equivalent to supplying the
entire population of Portugal, Estonia and Denmark with electricity and
the entire population of Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria and Norway with heat
throughout the year.
According to the European directive on the promotion of electricity
produced from Renewable Energy Sources 2001/77/EC (RES Electricity
Directive), the biodegradable fraction of waste is considered biomass,
and thus a renewable energy source. The biodegradable fraction in MSW is
more than 50 per cent; according to a study by the Öko-Institut, it is
62 per cent2.
In practice, it differs from member state to member state how
electricity from waste is supported and how the RES Electricity
Directive is implemented. While a number of member states recognize
waste as a renewable energy source, only a few really support it. Thus,
the price that WtE plant operators receive for selling their
electricity, ranges from the market price of around €0.035/kWh in
Germany to €0.1/kWh which can be achieved with green certificates in the
Flemish part of Belgium. In Hungary and Portugal, operators get about
€0.07/kWh. Grid access plays an important role in supporting alternative
energy sources.
There is considerable potential for WtE plants to contribute to
climate protection through generating energy. But while the RES
Electricity Directive applies this idea with regard to electricity, the
heat sector is not covered within EU legislation. This should be
considered in future EU legislation. The European Commission mentioned
the potential of WtE in its Biomass Action Plan, which was published in
December 2005 and in the autumn 2006 they held a consultation into a
possible RES Heating and Cooling Directive. Renewable heating and
cooling is mentioned within the context of the Energy Action Plan
published in March 20073.
There is significant potential to produce heating, and possibly
cooling in the future, in WtE plants4.
This should be taken into account in future European energy legislation.
WtE technology is one of the most robust and effective alternative
energy options to reduce CO2
emissions and to save limited fossil fuel resources.
Waste is widely available across the EU and WtE plants are therefore
a reliable energy source providing an essential contribution to security
of energy supply. It is also a cost effective way to reduce CO2.
The cost to avoid 1 tonne of CO2
with WtE is about €435,
whereas the costs to avoid 1 tonne of CO2
with (other) biomass are €80. For photovoltaic it would be more than
€10006. While
it is necessary to explore all alternative energy paths to move away
from a high dependence on fossil fuels WtE clearly has a role to play
alongside other technologies.
The WWF, Greenpeace and some other organizations do in fact take a
quite pragmatic approach towards their vision to achieve a
2000-watt-society by 20507.
This includes a specific fee for electricity from renewable sources,
starting with the use of the less costly options. The study gives
priority to support energy from renewables in the following order:
energy from waste treatment, biomass, wind, photovoltaic and geothermic
as soon as technically available.
The review of the European Waste Framework Directive (WFD) is
expected to have a major impact on future waste policy. The European
Commission (EC) delivered in December 2005 a proposal for a new WFD,
which will serve as a basis on which the waste management industry has
to work during the next 20-30 years.
The EC is seeking to clarify definitions, amongst others of the
distinction between “recovery” and “disposal”. It proposes that the
principal of “replacement of resources” is still decisive for the
definition of recovery. Clarifying the energy recovery status within the
WFD is important for WtE plants because otherwise they would be
consigned to the bottom of the waste hierarchy, alongside landfilling.
The definition, which is now proposed by the EC principally allows
WtE plants to be classified as energy recovery facilities, if the energy
efficiency criteria, described in Annex II (R1 formula), are fulfilled.
In February 2007, the European Parliament voted on the first reading
of the WFD, and voted against the R1 formula. Although the R1 formula
was deleted from Annex II, the definition they chose for energy recovery
would cover WtE plants.
Currently, the directive is being discussed in the Council of
Ministers of the member states. Germany, which holds the current
presidency of the EU, aims to reach a common position on the text by the
end of this month, when its presidency comes to an end. The WFD should
then return to the European Parliament for a second reading in early
Modern WtE technology deserves a balanced debate, bearing in mind the
contribution it can deliver in both environment and energy policy.
Setting specific standards for efficient energy recovery in the WFD
and recognizing the WtE plants that meet these standards as recovery
operations will provide an incentive to plant operators to further
improve plant efficiency and to help to divert waste from landfills,
thus contributing to climate protection and ensuring security of energy
1. Overview of landfill bans and taxes in Europe,
2. Briefing paper on a study undertaken by the Öko-Institut Darmstadt
on behalf of the German Waste-to-Energy association ITAD, English
summary and link to study in German,,62.html
3. European Energy Action Plan, March 2007
4. The ECOHEATCOOL project (
investigated options for further expansion of district heating and
cooling in Europe offering higher energy efficiency and higher security
of supply with the benefit of lower carbon dioxide emissions. The
ECOHEATCOOL project was co-financed by the European Commission
Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.
5. EdDE-Dokumentation 10, project management by Prof. Bilitewski et
al, Pirna, December 2005
6. Deloitte
7. Greenpeace study Energieperspektive 2050, April 2006, available in
German from
Dr Ella Stengler is CEWEP’s managing director. CEWEP, the
Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants, represents 338 WtE
plants across Europe (80 per cent of the European market). For more
information visit
Power Engineering International June, 2007
Author(s) : Ella Stengler