Google, Intel
going green:
Jun 13, 2007 - Knight Ridder Tribune Business
Author(s): Mark Boslet
Jun. 13--Google and Intel threw their weight behind an initiative
Tuesday to help blunt the impact of global warming by bringing greater
energy efficiency to personal computers and servers.
An estimated 2 percent of worldwide carbon emissions comes from
producing the electricity that powers computers and telecommunications
gear. The two high-tech titans hope to reduce that by 54 million tons of
carbon dioxide a year -- the equivalent of th output of about 11 million
cars. They are being joined in their energy-saving push -- named the
Climate Savers Computing Initiative -- by other big-name technology
companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, Advanced Micro
Devices, International Business Machines, Dell and Mic osoft. About half
the energy in a personal computer and about one-third of the energy in a
server is wasted in the form of heat, said Urs Holzle, a senior vice
president at Google.
The result is a lot of energy expended for "no good purpose," Holzle
said during a presentation at Google's campus in Mountain View. By
improving the machines' energy efficiency, the companies hope to show
themselves as good stewards of an envi ronment under increasing stress
from global warming, where increased levels of carbon in the atmosphere
threaten Earth with higher temperatur s. Together, they hope to use
their clout to influence the design of the approximately 250 million
desktops, laptops and servers -- business computers that hold data and
back-office programs -- sold each year to companies and consumers, even
if the improve ents come with slightly higher purchase prices.
Climate Savers intends to reduce energy loss by urging the computer
industry to use more efficient power converters and voltage regulators,
big culprits of energy waste. The aim is for these devices to show a
steady improvement in efficiency between now and 2010. By then, the
group hopes power converters will be 93 percent efficient, compared with
an 80 percent target this year. Targets for the voltage regulators were
not available Tuesday, officials from the companies said. The
organization intends to influence demand by calling on Fortune 500
companies to buy computers with the energy-efficiency improvements and
educating consumers.
Technology to accomplish the group's goal is currently available but
hasn't been used because of added costs, said Pat Gelsinger, a senior
vice president at Intel. He said more efficient converters and
regulators should add $20 to the cost of a desktop computer and $30 to
the cost of a server, prices that should go down over time. Along with
using energy more efficiently, the improvements should lead to better
computers, said Google co-founder Larry Page, who made a brief
appearance at Tuesday's kickoff. It is no fun having a fan blow
constantly in a machine, he said. "The power computers are using is
increasing," Page said.
"We realized we could make a very fast, very significant impact on
power usage." If the more energy-efficient machines are adopted by
buyers at a moderate pace, energy use by computers could be cut in half
in 2010 and the cost savings could be $5.5 billion, the group claims.
"We have a great deal of industry interest," Gelsinger said.
"Manufacturers are committing to meet these initial targets." The
organization also has the support of the Environmental Protection Agency
and PG&E. "The toughest year for this initiative is the next six months
-- (in) getting the momentum," Holzle said. He added that servers Google
has deployed since 2003 already meet the 2007 target, and some achieve
the 93 percent goal.
Contact Mark Boslet at or (408) 920-5425.
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