Power Giant's Incentives for Customers Who Use Less Electricity


Jun 01 - Scotsman, The

SSE yesterday announced a new programme to reward its 7.5 million customers by up to GBP 100 a year for reducing their energy costs.

While the firm is not the only company to implement such a programme, the group said this was "the most comprehensive programme introduced by an energy supplier in the UK to incentivise its customers to use less of its core products".

While the finer details of the programme, which will be launched in Autumn, are still being worked out, the Perth-based company said customers would receive vouchers for initiatives such as reducing annual power consumption by 10 per cent, moving to paperless billing, installing loft insulation or replacing an existing appliance with a more energy efficient one.

The vouchers could be used as a credit against bills or to buy more efficient appliances.

Chief executive Ian Marchant said: "It may seem odd for a company to actively work to reduce demand for its core products, but we believe that it's the only way forward that is sustainable for our business and for society."

SSE admitted the move was not made purely out of concern for the environment. Marchant said SSE hoped the programme would be "cost neutral", both through sales of energy efficient devices from SSE, and reducing the amount of customer "churn" - those lost to other companies - with customers less likely to leave if they believe they are doing something with a positive impact for the environment. Doorstep salespeople are frequently asked about the company's environmental policy, Marchant said.

"It's not a sales talk, but it will help."

Last month British Gas announced a plan to sell customers advice on energy efficiency and more efficient boilers.

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