The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Andy Karsner today announced the completion of Energy Savings Assessments (ESAs) at 200 of the largest industrial facilities in the nation, identifying opportunities to save over 50 trillion Btus of natural gas - roughly equivalent to the natural gas used in 700,000 American homes. In 2007, DOE will conduct 250 additional Energy Savings Assessments and offer cost-sharing options with industry, utilities and other partners. Assistant Secretary Karsner made the announcement while speaking to executives who operate electronic data centers, one of America's fastest growing industries.

"Working with our industry partners, the Department of Energy has surpassed our expectations and found huge opportunities for saving energy," Assistant Secretary Karsner said. "Not only do these assessments inform industry of best practices to maximize energy savings, but they will also significantly help reduce greenhouse gases by increasing the nation's energy efficiency."

DOE's Energy Savings Assessments directly works toward goals outlined in President Bush's Advanced Energy Initiative, which seeks to change the way we power our cars, homes and businesses. The total value of energy savings identified is close to half a billion dollars per year. These energy savings, if fully implemented, could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3.3 million metric tons annually, representing approximately seven percent of the total U.S growth in carbon dioxide emissions from 2004 to 2005. For more information on the 2006 ESAs, visit:

DOE's Energy Saving Teams visited 200 of the nation's most energy-intensive manufacturing facilities over the past 12 months. The teams worked with plant personnel to identify savings opportunities that typically amounted to five percent to15 percent of a plant's total energy use - saving an average of about $2.5 million per plant annually.

The 2007 Energy Saving Assessments will be selected through an on-line application process now underway. Plants interested in applying for a 2007 assessment should visit the Save Energy Now website at These assessments analyze pumps, fans, and compressed air systems in addition to process heating and steam systems. The website also offers training opportunities, software assessment tools, technical tips and publications suitable for plants of all sizes.

For tips on easy, inexpensive steps consumers can take to lower their energy bills, visit: or call DOE's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Hotline at 1-877-337-3463.


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Department of Energy Achieves Goal of 200 Energy Savings Assessments