US expected to emit almost one-fifth more greenhouse gases04-03-07 By 2020, the United States will emit almost one-fifth more gases that
lead to global warming than it did in 2000, increasing the risks of drought
and scarce water supplies. That projection comes from an internal draft
report from the Bush administration that is more than a year overdue at the
United Nations. The draft report, which is still being completed, projects that the
current administration’s climate policy would result in the emission of 9.2
bn tons of greenhouse gases in 2020, a 19 % increase from 7.7 bn tons in
2000. But an authoritative UN report in February from hundreds of scientists
and government officials said global warming is ”very likely” caused by
mankind and that climate change will continue for centuries even if
heat-trapping gases are reduced. That report was approved by 113 nations
including the United States. Despite the dire outlook, most scientists say huge sea level rises and
the most catastrophic storms and droughts may be avoided if strong action is
taken soon. The administration’s internal draft covers inventories of carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gases, projected environmental consequences and
policies to limit emissions and risk. The White House Council on
Environmental Quality has been coordinating the draft report. Hellmer blamed the delay in completing the fourth US Climate Action
Report on the “extensive interagency review process” the draft must go
through. The report, which was due no later than Jan. 1, 2006, is required
under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Among the consequences
of a warming world anticipated in the report is ”a distinct reduction in
spring snow pack in the north-western United States,” which supplies much of
the water in that region, the report says. Rick Piltz, director of Climate Science Watch, a non-profit watchdog
program, said he expects the final report will evade a full discussion of
how global warming might affect the nation. The US spends $ 3 bn a year to research technologies to cut global
warming and $ 2 bn on climate research. Bush has formed a partnership with
Australia, China, India, Japan and South Korea -- producers of half the
world’s greenhouse gases -- to attract private money for cleaner energy
technologies. He envisions using more hydrogen-powered vehicles, electricity
from renewable energy sources and clean coal technology. On the Net: