House Renewables Provision Reduces Electricity
Costs Washington, D.C. (Nov. 1)
An ACEEE analysis released today of the House Energy Bill (H. R. 3221)
Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) provision shows that the RES reduces
electricity rates, avoids the need for conventional powerplant construction,
and reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Part of these benefits stem from the
RES allowance for energy efficiency to qualify for up to 27% of resource
requirements. The analysis also looked at more aggressive renewable and
efficiency RES targets, and examined RES policies against a climate policy
framework. These scenarios showed even greater benefits from setting
RES-type resource targets.
“This analysis dashes the notion that RES raises electricity rates. Our
modeling shows that the RES reduces power prices, customer bills, and
capacity needs in all parts of the United States,” said Policy Director Bill
Prindle. “Since renewable and efficiency resource standards also cut carbon
emissions, they should be the cornerstones of U.S. energy and climate policy
for the power sector.”
ACEEE used ICF International’s IPM model to calculate energy, capacity,
wholesale electricity prices, carbon dioxide emissions, and other impacts of
the House RES provision. IPM is widely used by federal and state agencies as
well as utilities for resource and policy decision-making. The economic
analysis was performed using ACEEE’s DEEPER model, which estimates
economy-wide job impacts.
Key findings from the analysis include:
The House RES would in 2030 reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 121
million metric tons (MMT), save 22 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of
electricity usage, create 41,000 net new jobs, and displace a total of
16,000 MW of conventional powerplant construction. This would save
electricity customers $3.1 billion in 2030 and a cumulative $35 billion
through 2030.
A more aggressive set of renewable and efficiency standards, a 15% RES
coupled with a separate 15% Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS),
would produce even greater benefits. This “15-15” policy package would by
2030 avoid another 105,000 MW of new powerplants, reduce electricity prices
by up to 0.7 cents per kWh, save another 480 billion kWh of electricity
usage per year, and reduce annual CO2 emissions by another 590 MMT per year.
The “15-15” policy would also create another 166,000 net new jobs in 2030
beyond the House RES.
In a climate policy scenario based on the Bingaman-Specter bill, we used IPM
in similar fashion, finding that the House RES provision would save another
39,000 MW of powerplant capacity, 223 billion kWh, and 780 MMT of carbon
emissions. The more aggressive “15-15” policy package would contribute
another 98,000 MW of conventional powerplant capacity avoidance, another 450
billion kWh in energy savings, and another 260 MMT of CO2 emissions.
For electricity price impacts, see
for the Reference Case Forecast and
for the Climate Policy Framework. A summary of the analysis results can be
downloaded free from
The House RES provision reflects the growth of state Renewable Electricity
Standards, which are in place in 25 states and the District of Columbia, and
Energy Efficiency Resource Standards, which similarly set long-term resource
targets for utilities in some 12 or more states. The House RES provision
would build on this experience, moderately expanding this policy approach
through a national standard, requiring 15% of electricity sales to be
provided through renewable sources by 2020. Up to 27% of the resource
requirement can be met through energy efficiency.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is an independent,
nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means
of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection. For
information about ACEEE and its programs, publications, and conferences,
contact ACEEE, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 801, Washington,
D.C.20036-5525 or visit |