Indonesia Launches Program to Help Reduce Global Warming

Nov 09 - Business Wire

In facing global warming which is causing dramatic climate change, Indonesia continues to seek programs which may assist in reducing global warming. One of these programs has been developed under the State Ministry for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions called CIUP (Community Integrated Utility Program).

"CIUP is a landmark program in Indonesia's attempt to assist the world in combating global warming by supporting a major program that will supply the basic energy needs to millions of people without any further harm to the planet," said Ir. H. Mohammad Lukman Edy, M.Si, State Minister for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions.

The CIUP will integrate three technologies: biomass conversion, Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Reverse Osmosis, generating large quantities of electricity and water without producing any C02 emissions whatsoever.

Professor Ir Reginald Theijs is the founder of CIUP which was developed under the Ministry. The Minister was speaking at a workshop in conjunction with the 47th commemoration of ITS November 8, 2007, in which he gave a presentation on problems of development at both regional and national levels, the government's strategy in accelerating development especially in disadvantaged regions, and the expectations of the government on the role of universities in supporting this policy. Regents and mayors of Indonesia's Eastern Provinces attended the workshop.

ITS is aiming at enhancing its role in improving the bargaining power of Indonesia by having its technologies meet the needs of disadvantaged regions especially in the eastern provinces of Indonesia.

ITS, in cooperation with Professor Reginald Theijs and Deputy for the Minister of Development of Disadvantaged Regions lr Tatag Wiranto will provide all necessary facilities and engineering support to integrate the CIUP working in cooperation with primary suppliers including a UK Fuel Cell supplier in initial ground trials before primary implementation in the field is scheduled to take place in 2009.

On CIUP (Community Integrated Utility Program)

The development and growth of the regions is one of the main priorities of the government. The development of disadvantaged regions is intended to be a strategic step in achieving Indonesia's goal. The CIUP is the most dynamic and technologically advanced and environmentally friendly program under the Ministry for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions to achieve this goal as the program will cover about 6 million families, who will get free access to electricity and drinking water.

The CIUP will support the efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote the use of biomass, wood and agriculture waste to be converted into ethanol and hydrogen to produce energy. The hydrogen fuel cell will convert hydrogen into electricity which will then be the power system to be given to communities who have not been covered by the national electrification program.