New California Energy Acts Include Incentives
for Solar Water Heating EERE Network News - 10/18/07
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger approved a number of energy bills
last week, including the Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007. The
act requires the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to create
financial incentives that will encourage the installation of solar hot water
systems that displace the use of natural gas for water heating. As noted in
the act, the California Solar Initiative currently provides incentives for
solar hot water systems that replace electric water heaters, but no such
analogue exists for systems the replace gas water heaters. The act requires
the CPUC to establish a new fund for the incentives by adding a surcharge to
the bills for most natural gas customers.
Governor Schwarzenegger signed the solar water heating bill along with a
number of other energy-related bills, including a bill that requires the
California Energy Commission (CEC) to adopt energy efficiency standards for
general purpose lights, a move that will likely phase out the use of
inefficient incandescent light bulbs in the state. The bill, AB 1109, will
also limit the use of toxics such as mercury in general purpose lights. In
addition, AB 662 allows the CEC to set water standards for appliances, AB
1103 requires utilities to maintain energy-use data for nonresidential
buildings, and AB 1560 requires the CEC to incorporate standards for water
efficiency and conservation into the state's existing building standards.
The governor also signed more energy-related bills later in the week,
including AB 118, which raises vehicle registration fees by $2 to fund the
Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program. The new
program will provide grants, loans, loan guarantees, revolving loans, and
other appropriate measures to develop and deploy fuels and vehicles that
will help California meet its climate change policies. The governor also
approved AB 809, which limits the use of state funds for hydrogen vehicles,
based on their greenhouse gas benefits, and which also expands the state's
definition of hydropower that is eligible for the state's renewable energy
requirements. The bill includes hydropower installed in water supply systems
as well as incremental hydropower additions achieved through efficiency
improvements at existing facilities. In addition, the governor approved AB
532, which extends the deadline for state buildings to install solar energy
systems; AB 1613, which authorizes the CPUC to require utilities to buy
excess power from combined heat and power systems; and SB 1036, which
eliminates the Renewable Resource Trust Fund and refunds it to customers.
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