It was awarded "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater
knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the
measures that are needed to counteract such change." The Norwegian Nobel committee said after awarding the 2007 Nobel Peace
Prize Friday to former US vice president Al Gore and the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Gore, a vice president to Bill Clinton and
failed candidate for the White House in 2000, has reinvented himself as a
champion of climate change with his 2006 Oscar-winning documentary "An
Inconvenient Truth".
"It appears that the Senate will not be able to move to a formal conference
process [to reconcile differences in the two bills] as the Speaker prefers," Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill, said in a statement issued late Wednesday.
Democratic leaders in the US Congress have decided to work together to
finalize an energy bill, potentially bypassing Republicans. The House and
the Senate have already passed their own energy bills.