South America embracing ties with Iran
by Alan Clendenning
Vilified by some world leaders, Iran's president came to Bolivia to
strengthen ties with South American leftists who are embracing him as an
energy and trade partner and counterweight to US influence.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in the Amazon region city of Santa
Cruz and was scheduled to fly to the capital of La Paz to establish
first-time diplomatic relations with the Andean nation. The visit comes on
the heels of a UN General Assembly appearance in which Ahmadinejad said Iran
will ignore demands by "arrogant powers" to curb its nuclear program.
He and President Evo Morales were expected to sign accords that Bolivian
officials say could help them better tap the continent's second-largest
natural gas reserves after Venezuela's and drum up urgently needed
agricultural investment. Ahmadinejad then heads to Caracas to meet
Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, who has defended Iran's claims that its
nuclear program is for peaceful energy purposes.
Ahmadinejad's trip south underscores his strengthening links to Latin
American nations that also include Nicaragua and Ecuador even as the United
States tries to isolate him internationally.
"It's a connection that is growing stronger all the time," said Alberto
Garrido, a Venezuelan writer and political analyst. "It's Iran's answer to
the United States on its own home turf. The United States is in the Middle
East, so Iran is in Latin America."
Energy experts doubt the new Bolivia-Iran alliance will let Morales deliver
on his promise of using gas profits to ease grinding poverty in South
America's poorest nation. But by opening diplomatic ties, Iran and Morales'
"anti-imperialist" administration appear to be on the same political page.
The growing closeness between Iran and Chavez-allied governments is viewed
with alarm by the opposition in Venezuela and Bolivia, and by Washington,
which calls Iran a sponsor of terrorism.
The move reminds Rep. Connie Mack, R-Fla., "of the relationship that Fidel
Castro had with Russia."
"Ahmadinejad recognizes that if he can get a foothold in Latin America, he
can continue to spread his hatred for the United States," Mack said, adding
that it is now imperative for Washington to reach out more to a region
analysts say it largely ignored post-Sept. 11, 2001. "You don't want to have
your enemy at your backdoor."
While Morales' opponents say the stronger ties could threaten regional
security, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia says his government doesn't
endorse nuclear proliferation and the two nations simply want to build
commercial ties. Bolivia is forging "diplomatic relations with Iran to
improve the country's economic situation, not to hurt or offend anyone,"
Garcia said while Morales was in New York at the UN.
Bolivian and Iranian officials declined to offer details on what sort of
energy agreements are in the works, but analysts say Iran alone can't give
Bolivia the massive investment it needs to boost gas output in the face of
potential domestic shortages andlooming commitments to its big clients,
Argentina and Brazil.
"I think the fact that Morales is talking to the Iranians is a sign of
desperation," said Christopher Garman, who heads Latin American research at
the Eurasia Group political risk consultancy. "Bolivia is not going to have
a white horse saving its energy needs."
But Bolivia-Iran trade can hardly go anywhere but up. Bolivia exported
nothing to Iran between 2000 and 2006, and Iranian exports to Bolivia
totalled only $ 10 mm last year, according to government statistics, down
from $ 24 mm a year earlier.
Meanwhile, ties between Caracas and Tehran are strong and growing. Iran and
Venezuela have signed more than 180 trade agreements since 2001, worth more
than $ 20 bn in potential investment between the two. Ecuadorean President
Rafael Correa also wants closer ties with Tehran, and Iran will for the
first time open an embassy in Quito.
President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua in August accepted promised Iranian aid
of funding for 4,000 tractors, milk-processing plants, 10,000 houses, piers
and the construction of a farm equipment assembly plant. In exchange,
Nicaragua agreed to export coffee, meat and bananas to Iran.
Chavez is a vocal defender of Iran's nuclear program, accusing the United
States of trumping up unfounded concerns about possible nuclear weapons as a
pretext to attack a regime it opposes.
"Iran isn't making an atomic bomb, not at all," Chavez said. "They just want
to develop nuclear energy. Venezuela will do it also someday."
Source: Associated Press
