What's true, false about coal
Apr 28, 2008 - McClatchy Tribune Business News
Author(s): Phyllis Jacobs Griekspoor
Apr. 28--Whether to build new coal-fired power plants in western Kansas
has turned into one of the hottest political power struggles in decades
between the Legislature and the administration of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.
The Legislature has passed two bills to overturn a decision by Kansas
Department of Health and Environment Secretary Rod Bremby to deny the
plants. Sebelius has vetoed both. When the wrap-up Legislative session
begins Wednesday, an attempt to override the vetoes will be at the top of
the agenda. As the politics have heated up, some facts about the project and
power generation in Kansas have become distorted with claims and
counter-claims from both sides. Here's how some of those claims stack up
under closer examination: Kansas doesn't need more electrical capacity and
would get only a fraction of the power from the new plants.
Kansas does need more generating capacity to support a 1.5 percent annual
increase in demand, according to estimates made by the state's largest
utility, Westar Energy. This is especially true for "base load," the nearly
constant portion of electrical d mand. Conservation could help slow the pace
at which demand increases, but the increasing spread of high technology
accelerates the demand for power. And any increases in population or
industry -- both of which are economic goals for the state -- would create
more demand for power. Kansas does not currently need all the power that
would be generated by the Holcomb plant.
But Sunflower Electric Power Corp.' s partners in the project say they do.
And they are willing to pay for it. Sunflower says the project is simple
economics: You make more than you need and sell the excess. While we would
ship some of the power from Holcomb out of state, the health risks from
pollution would stay in Kansas. The pollution -- in terms of known health
risks such as sulfur, mercury and particulate matter -- would remain in
Kansas. Those regulated emissions are projected to be below current
Environmental Protection Agency standards. The EPA said the ambient air
quality in western Kansas meets current standards and would not be
significantly affected by the Holcomb plant.
The permits for the plant were denied based on carbon dioxide emissions,
which many experts say contribute to global warming. The project is more
about making money than providing power to customers. Sunflower, Midwest
Energy and Tri-State Power, the partners in the proposed project, are
nonprofit cooperatives. They are owned by their customers. Any revenue
generated in excess of operating costs is returned to customers as
dividends. Kansas could meet its power needs with more wind farms. Wind is
free. Harnessing it for power is not. Neither is transmitting it where it
needs to go. Rising construction costs have been cited as the reason for
delays on several coal-fired generation projects.
Those rising costs also affect wind farms, which must pay for concrete,
steel, transportation and manufacturing. At current prices, wind is cheaper
than natural gas or nuclear power, but about four times more expensive than
coal, according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency. Wind also has the
disadvantage of being neither predictable nor dependable. That requires
back-up power capacity -- primarily natural gas plants -- that can be turned
on or off with the wind. Building that infrastructure is expensive. The
project would be a clean coal plant. There is no such thing as clean coal.
All coal plants emit sulfur, nitrous oxide, mercury, particulates and carbon
But modern plants, like those planned at Holcomb, are cleaner than older
plants, such as Jeffrey Energy Center. Natural gas is a better fuel -- along
with wind -- for generating electricity. Natural gas is cleaner than coal.
But it is not emissions-free. It produces about 60 percent as much carbon
dioxide as coal, according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency. It also
produces as much as 40 percent of nitrous oxide, another greenhouse gas
P.J. Griekspoor can be reached at 316-268-6660 or at
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