Waste To Energy Market Is Booming, 100 New
Plants By 2012
London - Waste management in Europe is no longer a haulage and disposal
business. The legislative shifts of the past decade have seen major moves
towards the implementation of advanced technology and innovative recycling
solutions. With landfill finally being truly on the way out, there are
genuine opportunities for investment in value-adding solutions. In spite of
the importance of waste minimisation schemes, as well as recycling and
biological waste treatment, many local and regional authorities currently
view waste to energy (thermal waste incineration with energy recovery) as
the only viable large scale alternative to landfill.
According to Frost & Sullivan studies in this sector, the waste to energy
market in Europe is growing and will continue to do so for at least 10
years. Europe's waste to energy capacity is expected to increase by around
13 million tonnes. Almost 100 new plants will come on line by 2012.
There is a clear buzz in the market that is aimed at the waste to energy
sector. Attractive investment opportunities are being identified at both an
individual project level and at companies that are well positioned to
exploit the projected market growth.
"Across Europe, the public sector is the traditional owner of waste to
energy facilities," explains John Raspin, Energy and Environment Practice
Director at Frost & Sullivan. "This is changing, as large-scale investment
is required to construct newer, environmentally friendly facilities. It is
equally true that the importance of being able to sell profitably the
electricity/heat generated from such plants is driving the attractiveness of
investment and favouring partnerships with utility companies. Waste to
energy facilities are increasingly becoming profitable cash generators in
their own right".
The result is that private sector companies are taking a greater
responsibility in the sector, although to date investors have been mainly
from a background in utilities, engineering and/or technology. At the same
time, public sector outsourcing is also on the increase and private sector
capital is increasingly being sought.
The waste to energy services market supported about 200 to 250 players in
2007. Much of the reason behind this low number (low compared to other waste
management service segments) is the use of large centralised facilities in
many parts of Western Europe for the incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW).
However, the number of companies is growing as the network of thermal units
in many countries is expanded.
"The ongoing move away from landfill" concludes John Raspin "is continuing
to attract technological innovation and the current leaning towards waste to
energy in many parts of Europe is attracting major capital investment with
improving opportunities for returns. It is inevitable that we will see
further consolidation of the market and that investors from a whole range of
backgrounds will continue to be drawn to this sustainable growth market."
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SOURCE: Frost & Sullivan