Pittsylvania County considering uranium mining


Jan 8 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - Patrick Lynch Daily Press, Newport News, Va.

Officials in Pittsylvania County tonight will take a closer look at one of the issues surrounding the potential mining of what some say is the largest, untapped reserve of uranium in the United States.

An area called Coles Hill is at the center of a rising debate about whether to repeal Virginia's long-standing ban on uranium mining. Pittsylvania's Board of Zoning Appeals tonight will look at the county planning commission's recent denial of a permit to put up buildings related to exploratory drilling now going on at the site.

But the larger fight may take place during this year's General Assembly session. The idea of at least studying all facets of uranium mining in Virginia will likely come up during the session.

Uranium is used in nuclear power, and proponents of mining say it would help with the country's dependence on oil. Opponents are worried about uranium leaching into waterways during the mining process.

Coles Hill is said to contain enough uranium, valued at $10 billion, to power all the nuclear power plants in the country for two years.