"India seeks international cooperation in the field of civilian nuclear energy, including with China. The rapid growth of India and China will lead to expanding demand for energy. We have no choice but to widen our options for energy availability and develop viable strategies for energy security,"
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said, on the last day of a visit to China. A controversial nuclear deal between India and the US is now in limbo and has prompted the former nation into the possibility of civilian nuclear cooperation with China. Singh also noted that such cooperation could help the two countries meet their skyrocketing energy needs.

With fears of recession looming large in the US, President George W. Bush said he would speak to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah "about the fact that oil prices are very high, which is tough on our economy."
The president raised the issue at a meeting of Saudi entrepreneurs, a day after his administration said it was taking the first steps in a multi-billion-dollar arms deal with the kingdom, a key US ally in the volatile region.

Updated: January 15, 2008