WM now offers CFL, battery recycling to households

July 16

In its first direct-to-consumer offering, Waste Management Inc. has launched an online service to recycle universal household waste, including compact fluorescent lamps and batteries.

The Think Green From Home program, www.thinkgreenfromhome.com , allows consumers to order universal waste recycling kits, which include prepaid postage labels. The United States Postal Service has approved the kits to safely ship discarded CFLs and batteries. Waste Management hopes to eventually include household electronics in the service.

It is Houston-based Waste Managementīs first service offered directly to household consumers. Typically, the integrated solid waste management firm, the largest in the United States, deals on a municipal and commercial contract basis.

"With the 2012 deadline for the use of CFLs, customers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to properly dispose of household universal waste and the Think Green From Home program makes recycling this waste as safe and convenient as possible," said Rick Cochrane, senior business director for Waste Managementīs LampTracker program.

The federal government has banned the sale of incandescent bulbs starting in 2012.

Contact Waste News reporter Joe Truini at (330) 865-6166 or jtruini@crain.com


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