Not Exactly a Hotbed: Nearly half of Long Islandīs municipal recycling programs are not making the grade, according to a report card released by a local environmental group.


Newsday reports that Long Islandīs recycling programs are falling short in several areas, including public education, handling of yard waste, and paucity of bins placed in public areas such as parks, beaches and train stations.


The report card, created by Citizens Campaign for the Environment, awards points to programs that accept a wide range of recyclables, electronics and household hazardous waste; those that provide recycling incentives to schools and businesses; and those that send out recycling calendars and advertise in local media.


Headline of the Day: "Recycling bins are not for boa constrictors," Salt Lake Tribune. Extra points awarded for colorful use of the terms "dog doo" and "poopy Huggies."


Is there anything people wonīt toss in a recycling container?


Pete Fehrenbach is managing editor of Waste News. Past installments of this column are collected in the Inbox archive.