U.S. Energy Lab Issues Accomplishment List


Jun 19 - United Press International

The U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory issued its annual accomplishments report Thursday, emphasizing fossil energy-related activities.

The report by NETL, part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy, showcases research and technology successes it has achieved during the past fiscal year.

All of the laboratory's accomplishments help to maximize domestic energy supplies, protect the environment and keep energy costs in check, officials said in a statement. "The bulk of the accomplishments help in resolving the environmental, supply and reliability constraints of producing and using fossil resources, while others involve energy efficiency and renewable energy.

The report also includes a section for successes in technology transfer and one for awards and recognition received in pursuit of the laboratory's ultimate goal: successful commercialization of advanced technologies to benefit the American people.

The 88-page report is available in PDF format at:
