"Rainman" of Free Energy

Autistic Candian, Daniel Pomerlou, has given numerous demonstrations of free energy generation using only coils of wires; and mind/psychic power. Powers 200 Watt bulb, skill saw, motors and other appliances in front of electrical engineers who have no idea how he does it.

We know of no replications of this effect by other people.

On April 03, 2007, wattsup wrote (http://www.rexresearch.com/pomerleau/pomerleau.htm):
(Slightly edited)

As I indicated I would be at the April 1st 2007 demonstration given by Mr. Daniel Pomerleau, and so I was. And truly, nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed during this magnificent 3 hour presentation on self running electric systems.

I went in with my DC ammeter and my trusty compass to detect the slightest magnetic field and with a rampant determination to find the source of his trickery. Someone else came in with his magnetic field meter which was a very sophisticated hand held device that gives out accurate readings. Someone else had a regular volt meter. We were about 50 people in all.

What I should have had was a whole arsenal of instruments in a sealed room with capabilities to do hyper magnetic sensing, Kirilian photography, body scan and an endless host of other devices, but for what. What can we really understand from this child minded adult of 51 years, that does not have a culpable bone in his body, that sees only the good in his fellow man, that can't even understand what a joke is or what sarcasm is, and who, since age 12 was marveled by his inborn power to control electricity and to put electrical power into unplugged, unconnected electrical objects.

There is nothing on this earth that can prepare you for such an event, as simple as it was, as non glamorous as it was, as low key on the intellectual end as it was, as crude as it was because of those around him not having the polished academic words or gestures. Beyond all this external criteria that one with ample knowledge of the world and of its workings would expect, there was such a simple, honest and direct exposure of a power in man that we all have, but have lost to our other senses and our mind.

There was also the open obvious fact that his surrounding help could never accumulate individually or as a group, enough technical and instrumental expertise to cause all these phenomena to happen using trickery. This is not a David Copperfield. This is straight forward, open, no tricks, amazing and worth seeing once in your life.

Mr. Pomerleau is an example of how humans could have evolved. But the way we live and think, it would be like if all humans weighed 1000 pounds each and he would be trying to show us how to high jump. We are so far into our minds, craving the concrete, looking for the obvious, that we will never be able to use his power for human kind.

He is just an autistic 51 year old adult with 40 years experience in child mind control over electric power. If we were in 1000 BC, we would probably make a huge statute of him and call him Daniel, the God of Electricity. One of his lines was, Man has discovered his science, but has neglected his conscience.

So what did I see, I'll save this for tomorrows post since I think until now, I still have to digest what I have witnessed. Now I'll go back to my mad scientists laboratory and continue tinkering with my next invention. Something we humans can use now, while I dream of the Pomerleau world of tomorrow were all will have enough, all the time.

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Stefan asked me to make a review of my visit to Daniels' demonstration to follow-up on my first post of my visit there.

Well, you have seen all the photos of open coils, half-hazardously wound and connected with so many others, all mounted on Plexiglass to show there was nothing else connected, showing small dc motors turning small propellers.

All in all the demonstration went through a myriad of these devices, all made in the same general method, no batteries, no exterior connections, no visible or measurable source of constant energy, but regardless, these devices turned on and off seemingly at the will of Daniel.

I was called to the front of the hall several times to measure amperage. Some readings were as follows;

Module #3: 8.6 vdc 2.3 amps
Module #6: 7.7 vdc 4.2 amps
Module #7: Started with mind control. I held the circuit in my hands while he turned it on and the although the on/off switch did not move. He did it from about 3 feet away with his hand held above our heads as if he was reaching into another dimension in space to control the switch. Very weird.
Module #9: 17 vdc 14.5 amps

Also, I held a small dc motor in my hand with just a small 3 inch length of twisted wire leading from each motor terminal to nowhere. Just open circuit. He turned the motor on while it was in my hands. The motor had no obvious manipulation marks such as unbent and re bent end pins, etc. Right out of my hand.

I could go on and on since the demo lasted three hours. But in general, this is it.

He also powered a hand drill, radio and some other devices.

Module #10 was one of his larger devices in the same set-up was producing 185 volts and lit a 100 watt bulb. He also put his tongue on the leads and did not get a shock, plus he lit a cigarette with the leads sparking when held together like a spark gap. Amazing.

So that's it. I do not want to get more heavily involved in Daniels' feats of amazement since that is what they are and there is no point to pursue this since you or I will NEVER be able to take advantage of his gift.

One last thing. The whole event was video taped by a woman who was centrally installed on a higher table located in the back of the room. Her camera was pointed to Daniel filming the whole demo. I did not think to ask to view the video or inspect the video camera at the end of the demo and this, in my view, is the only piece left unturned.

The only possibility of trickery could be the video camera was not really a video camera but a static gun or beam of some type that is concentrated and always aimed at or around Daniel. Is it possible that a video camera could be faked to emit some type of beam that hits the Plexiglass and that induces an electrical current therein. This is the only question I have unanswered. Maybe a microwave gun. I am saying this because they said they always video tape the events but they offer no video for sale. So what's the point.

Anyways, I would forget this as there is no OU answer for humanity here. Only a quagmire and potential waste of time and energy although a very deep curiosity indeed. Something like seeing the Elastic Man or the Hairy Woman at any good circus.

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On January 02, 2008, wattsup wrote (http://www.rexresearch.com/pomerleau/pomerleau.htm):
(Slightly edited)

I had one of his DC motors in my hand connected to nothing and it was turning full speed. Daniel even shut it off from a distance of about 4 feet away from me, then turned it on again.

The guy is a charm of a nice young minded man. I cannot answer as to how he does it. I only know he is not allowed to divulge how he is doing it. It could be faith.

But my aim was to witness and report an event in the manner that we at OU would expect one to do so under given circumstances. No recorder, no video, no photo. Just meters and sketch pad.

The bottom line is yes it is something remarkable, but so are many other guys doing tricks. It's always remarkable until you know how it works.

At OU we "try" to keep a clear head and concentrate on the value this has for humanity. Him trying to show us or explain to us how it works, if it is in the realm of the supernatural phenomena, would be like trying to show an elephant how to fly. Pointless. So the value for OU in the world as far as I can ascertain at this stage is nil, zero. With over 5 billion people on this rock, there is bound be be many aberrations and in my view Daniel is one of the top on the list.

Much more of this at:  http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Daniel_Pomerleau_Free_Energy_Coils

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