FPL Group Sues Government For Wind Site Cleanup Costs


financialwire.net - March 4, 2008

FPL Group (NYSE: FPL) filed a lawsuit against the US government seeking payment of cleanup costs associated with the company's wind farm site in Texas.

The suit seeks a judgment declaring that the government is liable for cleanup costs associated with FPL's site because it was contaminated while owned by the government and through government actions. FPL learned that the site might be contaminated and hired TetraTech (NASDAQ: TTEK) to evaluate the area.

According to FPL its Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Taylor County and Nolan County, Texas, was once Camp Barkeley and was used for Army training activities during World War II.

According to the suit, TetraTech discovered the site was contaminated with ordinance and explosives, and the company removed 2.6 tons of scrap metal, including munitions fragments and expended fuses at the cost of $3.44 million.

Other areas of the project still require extensive clean up.

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