Letter from 'Global Action'



I wish to inform you about new project that can help in reducing co2
levels the major cause of global warming.

Intention of project is to use the strength of numbers and synergy of
action to make positive changes.

From their website:

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere right now is at its highest for at least 650,000 years. Rising levels of CO2 and other emissions in the atmosphere are trapping more of the sun's heat, driving up temperatures and causing global warming. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.

Global warming manifests with:
Heat waves and periods of unusually warm
Ocean warming, sea-level rise and coastal flooding
Glaciers melting
Arctic and Antarctic warming
Downpours, heavy snowfalls, flooding and droughts

Average person produces 26 tonnes of CO2 per year.

We must hope that the Earth’s forests can soak up our excess carbon and solve our greenhouse problems.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide while they grow and trap it for years; trees are on the job 24 hours every day working for all of us to improve our environment and quality of life.

Trees sequester many pollutants from the atmosphere, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter of ten microns or less (PM10).

A single tree will absorb 1 tone of carbon dioxide over its life time. Trees also fertilizes soil with organic matter (humus). Trees improve air quality as well as provide other benefits such as shade and beauty.

Project forest goal is to plant as many trees as possible, and to achieve this goal you help is needed. Planting trees requires resources such as money, time, effort, land and work. For individual is hard to find all this resources. But if we join our efforts and act together then we can make a difference. So please donate as much as you can, it is not necessary that you donate some huge amount, any amount you can spare will help to build forest. All gathered funds in this project will be used to plant trees.

Many people can not spare money to donate, but if you have friends you have a true wealth, so please use your wealth in noble purposes and contribute in building a better world for us and generations that will inherit Earth. Spread a word to you friends, relatives and acquaintances. Link you home page to project forest address. Send a email and invite everbody to contribute.

The time has come for us to stop planet devastation and to build meaningful legacy for our children.

Thank you for finding time to read this.

Project forest team!

Originally published at:  http://www.project-forest.org/  

Contact them at:  "Global Action" <genije555@gmail.com>