CleanTech Biofuels Announces Municipal Solid Waste To Ethanol Project Is Now Operational

May 12, 2008


St. Louis -- CleanTech Biofuels, Inc. has announced that the equipment purchased from the University of California at Berkeley is now in place and operational. Testing of cellulosic feedstocks has begun.

CleanTech is excited to begin this testing and about the potential impact of our technologies for the reduction of garbage being disposed of in landfills worldwide. It is estimated that Americans produce 4.4 pounds of waste per day, or 229 million tons of trash annually nationwide. This waste represents a virtually endless source of cellulosic feedstock for the production of biofuels that potentially will be available to CleanTech at almost no cost, and in some locations at a profit.

The waste disposal crisis in this Country, coupled with the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which dictates that production of ethanol in the United States reach 36 billion gallons per year by the year 2022, of which 20 billion gallons per year is required to be produced from feedstock sources other than corn, positions CleanTech Biofuels to be a leader in the cellulosic ethanol industry.

SOURCE: CleanTech Biofuels, Inc.