California Climate Land-Use Bill Passes Assembly, Next Step is the State Senate


Legislation will cut drive time and support state global warming reduction goals

SACRAMENTO (August 25, 2008) – Today, California’s state assembly reaffirmed its commitment to fighting global warming by passing Senate Bill 375, a major land-use bill, by a 49-22 margin. Senate Bill 375, by State Senator Darrell Steinberg aims to reduce global warming pollution through better land-use planning by providing local governments incentives to build more compact neighborhoods and promote more transportation alternatives.  The bill is sponsored by the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
Following is a statement by Ann Notthoff, NRDC California Advocacy Director:
“Household car and truck pollution accounts for 30 percent of California’s global warming pollution.  The amount that Californians drive is increasing faster than our population growth rate and we need to act now to offer people choices to drive less. By limiting sprawl we can take a big bite out of California’s greenhouse gas pollution.  S.B. 375 builds a strong foundation to help California meet our ambitious global warming reduction goals.  Consumers will also save money by having more transportation alternatives during this era of rising gas prices.”
Following is a statement by Tom Adams, CLCV Board President:
“California did not invent sprawl; but it made sprawl famous.  S.B. 375, for the first time, turns the corner away from sprawl. In an era of high gas prices and global warming, the need for S.B. 375 is undeniable.  It will be the first bill in the nation to insert climate change into the transportation, housing and land use equation. Make no mistake, S.B. 375 is vital to meeting the promise of California's landmark climate change law, A.B. 32.  We will never achieve our greenhouse gas reduction goals or energy independence unless we stop encouraging sprawl and start locating housing closer to jobs - because right now, the number of miles that people drive is increasing almost twice as fast as the population growth."

The Natural Resources Defense Council is a national, nonprofit organization of scientists, lawyers and environmental specialists dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Founded in 1970, NRDC has 1.2 million members and online activists, served from offices in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Beijing.

The political muscle of the environmental movement in America’s leading environmental state, the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) uses sophisticated campaign tools to help elect pro-environment officials – and to hold them accountable for passing legislation to protect health, communities and the environment. CLCV publishes the annual California Environmental Scorecard, which rates the actions of every state legislator and the Governor on the state’s environmental priorities each legislative year. For more information, please visit