Kirkpatrick requests $1 million in funding for Apache County Wind Power Project


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick announced requests for funding from the FY2010 budget for crucial projects in District One, including $1 million for wind power development in Apache County.

She also outlined the procedures she has put into place to ensure that all requests for federal funding are handled responsibly and awarded fairly.

Establishing a fair process
During her campaign for Congress, Kirkpatrick promised that she would only support funding for district projects if awarded through an open and transparent process. She has kept that pledge, working to hold funding requests to a higher standard.
"This process is an opportunity for our communities to make an impact on areas that affect all of our lives," Kirkpatrick said. "We do that not by advocating for handouts, but by making smart investments in our local infrastructure, improving our local economies and ensuring we have the resources to train our workforce for the challenges they face."
The congresswoman put the following public process into action:
1. The congresswoman placed a priority on requests that meet certain criteria - being cost-effective, creating jobs, growing the economy or improving the quality of life for Arizonans. In addition, Kirkpatrick did not make any requests for taxpayer dollars to go to for-profit businesses or companies. Only municipal and non-profit requests were given support.
2. Kirkpatrick has officially certified to the Appropriations Committee that she has no financial interest in any of the projects for which she has requested funding.
3. The congresswoman has publicly released every project she has requested support for on her congressional Web site and to the media.
4. When the final appropriations bill comes up for a vote, it will be accompanied by a list identifying each appropriation request in it and which member requested it. That list will be made available to the public before the vote.
5. The congresswoman will remain interested in the oversight of the projects and will require updates from recipient organizations after federal funding has been disbursed.

Addressing infrastructure needs
Kirkpatrick said she has made addressing greater Arizona's need for investment in critical infrastructure a top priority, and she is requesting funding for projects that are basic and necessary for District One.
As part of that commitment, Kirkpatrick is seeking $1 million in funding for the Dine Power Authority's wind power development project, which will help Apache County continue to grow its renewable energy industry and provide 21st-century jobs for greater Arizona. "We have serious infrastructure needs in greater Arizona, and with this investment we are going to make real progress towards meeting those needs," Kirkpatrick said.
"If we are successful in securing funding, this project will use this money to develop new industries and create jobs."
In total, the congresswoman is requesting $46.6 million in federal funding for 23 different projects across District One. She is also one of more than 70 cosigners supporting a $10 million request from the Reach Out and Read program, a national project that will help fund 31 literacy programs serving 17,516 kids in greater Arizona.
The full list of Kirkpatrick's requests is on her congressional Web site at

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