Independent Power Producers Forum 


IPPF Secretariat Information:

Suite 711, 7th Floor, Block E,  13 – 15 Hong Shing Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong.

Tel: (852) 2894 8105   Fax: (852) 2577 5817     Website:




 Manila (I)


July 23rd – July 25th, 2009 (Thursday - Saturday)


Venue – EDSA Shangri-la





A Preamble on the importance of this meeting

Despite the current economic malaise, despite the battles against global warming and climate change – the striving economies of Asia crave more power and must have it.  How will it be financed?  How will it be delivered?


Last year’s retreat was held against the back-drop of a booming Mekong Delta.  The U.S. Primaries were in full swing.  The sub-prime fiasco had yet to bankrupt Reykjavik.  The current challenges for the global energy and power biz makes the Enron black hole look like a picnic.  Scottish sheep are 5% smaller than a decade ago due to global warming.  At this writing 13% of the world’s installed capacity are renewables.  According to the key doomsayer at the World Bank (Chief Economist, Sir Nicholas Stern), this figure must be tripled to 40% by 2040 or we lose several dozen island nations along with most of “Ben-Lux”, Bangladesh, part of Indonesia, half of Florida and goodbye to Belize, Guyana, etc.


Meeting the Challenge

Energy Efficiencies and “Cap & Trade” are now Gospel in Washington DC.  It is these issues and more that call for solutions now!  We gather in Manila on July 23rd to meet these challenges, apply our leadership and support the growth of intelligent power, smart grids and reliable renewables in a safe investment environment under the canopy of social and global concerns.


IPPF Secretariat Information:

Ms. Catherine Tse / Ms. Priscilla Hui

Independent Power Producers Forum    

Suite 711, 7th Floor, Block E, 13 – 15 Hong Shing Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Tel:  (852) 2894 8105    Fax:  (852) 2577 5817   E-mail: 
