Strange Martial Law via Food Control: HR 2749

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This new Bill HR 2749 is a deceptive control tactic that will strip us of our food freedoms. It has the same overtones of the Patriot Act, instilling every possible preventative measure in the name of our "safety." The bill states that the FDA would be given the power to quarantine any geographical area at any time by "prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area." The vague wording of this bill essentially leaves the opportunity to shut down ALL transportation in a specific area. For example, a car on its way home from the grocery store is being used to "transport or hold" food.

This is essentially the agricultural version of the Patriot Act. Even the same tactics are being used to get the American people on board: fear. Scaring us into believing that our food is not safe and the government needs to step in to ensure we consume what it deems safe. Perhaps the issue of our food safety is the only instance of truth within this bill, but even that fact is obscenely stretched to the benefit of Big Agr and the GMO pushers. Our food supply is not safe, but the culprits are not who they want us to believe. They claim that the real evil lurking on our farmlands is the small organic farmer. They are stretching the truth so thin that even the main stream media is balking.

The reality is that the only real health danger in our farmlands is the toxic chemicals being pumped into the food many are forced to buy and eat. This bill is just one of many wicked schemes being lobbied. Under this bill, natural, healthy farms will be taken over by the government, and regulated to the conditions they see fit, which are, none other than, a toxic bath of pesticides and GMOs.

The possibility should not come as a surprise, given that Monsanto had a very large hand in shaping this new bill. This bill will virtually wipe out organic farmers except those quasi organic mega farms.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This has happened once already with the Patriot Act; let's not allow this to happen a second time, because it may be too late. Write to your local Congressman/woman with your views on this, and do everything you can from allowing this bill to pass. Remember YOU have the power to make a difference with your voice and your food choices.

Click here for more information on the indirect consequence of martial law by a food control resolution >>>