The Science is Clear; We must Limit Global Warming Now


I want to personally thank you for your role in achieving a significant step forward in the fight to curb global warming. Moments ago, the House of Representatives took a historic vote to pass comprehensive climate legislation that would put in place a nationwide plan to rein in global warming pollution and create an entirely new, cleaner approach to our nation's energy system.  
This legislation does not include everything we wanted—nor did we expect it would—but it establishes a critical first step in building the foundation to rein in global warming pollution, reduce our dependence on oil, and transition to a clean energy economy.
What's more, in a clear victory for science, the bill includes key provisions ensuring these policies can be strengthened in the future in response to emerging climate science—provisions UCS helped write and win support for. 
This progress wouldn't have happened if it weren't for UCS supporters like you. You've demanded that Congress take action and provided us with the funding needed to advocate for smart climate solutions, distribute our analysis to Congress, and mobilize nationwide support for this bill. 
History has shown that when it comes to cleaning up our environment, getting a national policy in place makes an enormous difference. Again and again, we have shown that we can rise to the challenge set by these national policies by meeting and surpassing environmental standards through innovation, smart science, and American ingenuity. The Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act made possible the healthier environment that we take for granted today. When people saw that these vital pieces of legislation were saving lives and helping us breathe easier and drink safer water, they pushed for more. And then we were able to make these protections even stronger.
But we have a long, up-hill battle before us to ensure this groundbreaking legislation becomes law—and the scientific and technical expertise UCS brings to these issues will be essential in this fight. The House of Representatives has shown the way forward, but now our work moves to the Senate where we’ll once again be up against the coal and oil industries and the legislators who support them.
President Obama has already expressed support for this bill. But we will need your help to put a strong bill over the finish line. Specifically, you can help turn up the heat on the Senate to act quickly and ensure that we enact a final bill that helps build a revitalized clean energy economy, while reducing the threat of global warming.
Thanks again for helping make this important step forward. 

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