Low Carbon-Footprint Sewage System Is "The Future"

May 18, 2009

Low Carbon-Footprint Sewage System Is "The Future"

So proclaims Hilary Benn MP at the official opening of Anglian Water's new Aero-FacŪ WwTP

Unveiling a plaque to commemorate the official opening of the new odour-free sewage plant at Sutton St. James in Lincolnshire, the Rt. Hon. Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs proclaimed the system represented the "future of sewage treatment".

At the heart of a Ģ4 million first time sewerage scheme, the low energy Aero-Fac treatment plant utilises wind power to minimise treatment costs.

John Forkin, Anglian Water Contracts Manager, said: "We are committed to providing environmentally friendly and cost efficient solutions. The Aero-Fac system offers a low carbon footprint solution both for construction and the long term operational costs. The system has no odour during normal operation and the earth banks around the cells give a visual aspect which is in keeping with the rural environment."

John Gillett, Managing Director of Gurney Environmental Ltd., explains the Aero-FacŪ system incorporates a number of unique features. "Not the least of which is a self-digesting sludge process that requires no pre-screening, sedimentation tanks or clarifiers, no sludge removal, dewatering or conditioning, and best of all, no routine sludge disposal and the associated lorry traffic in and out of the works. All sludge is continuously self digested within the initial treatment stage. The Sutton St. James plant is also the first in the U.K. to incorporate the Bio2BlocŪ ammonia removal process." This modular, floating SAF system enables year-round compliance with ammonia consents but, in keeping with the overall design philosophy, minimises energy consumption by operating only when needed.

The new plant at Sutton St. James is designed to provide wastewater treatment for approximately 830 people and was judged by Anglian Water to have the lowest overall carbon footprint of all the considered alternatives. The project was delivered by the @One Alliance which is a collaboration between Anglian Water, Grontmij and Barhale Construction Ltd.

Anglian Water's commitment to lowering its carbon footprint continues with the construction of three more Aero-Fac and Accel-o-FacŪ plants due for completion later this year.

Further information and details of the Aero-FacŪ and Accel-o-Fac systems can be obtained from Gurney Environmental Ltd.

SOURCE: Gurney Environmental Ltd.