US DOE to fund 71 nuclear energy R&D projects

Washington (Platts)--7May2009

The US Department of Energy on Wednesday said it would use $44 million to
fund 71 nuclear energy research and development projects.

The funding will go to 31 universities and fund projects for the Advanced
Fuel Cycle Initiative, the Next Generation Nuclear Plant, Light Water Reactor
Sustainability, as well as Investigator-Initiated Research, according to DOE.

"As a zero-carbon energy source, nuclear power must be part of our energy
mix as we work toward energy independence and meeting the challenge of global
warming," Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a statement. "The next
generation of nuclear power plants -- with the highest standards of safety,
efficiency and environmental protection -- will require the latest
advancements in nuclear science and technology."

Chu has voiced his support for nuclear energy since becoming energy
secretary in January, but the administration's decision to stop pursuing a
national nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain has led some to charge
that DOE no longer supports nuclear power.

The $44 million in funding announced Wednesday will be provided over
three years and the project contracts will be awarded by Idaho National
Laboratory contractor Battelle at the end of September.
--Derek Sands,