Don't Buy Gold ... Sell It!  

Don't Buy Gold ... Sell It!If you’ve listened to Dave Ramsey for a while, you’ve probably heard him say how horrible gold is as an investment. If you look at gold’s long-term track record, it’s hard to think any other way.

From 1833 to 2001, the compound annual growth rate of gold was only 1.54%. That’s pretty rotten. Since September 11, the value of gold has definitely increased. It’s looking better right now. But you can’t deny nearly two centuries of consistently poor performance.

Gold is the new Snuggie. Everyone is talking about it, and everyone wants to get involved. But think about it. If you were going to invest in gold at all, would you really want to buy it at its 176-year high? Absolutely not!

So what’s gold good for—other than wearing it around your neck or wrist? Well, if you’re in debt—or if you just need a little extra cash—sell it!

Selling jewelry is a great way to build traction on your starter emergency fund, knock out debt, and clean up clutter around your house. If you’ve become gazelle intense, but you’re not quite ready to sell the kids, then peek inside the jewelry box. Do you really need everything in there—the trinkets, bracelets, rings and old watches?

Now, Dave isn’t endorsing gold as an investment. He never has, and he never will. Companies like Gold Stash for Cash offer an outlet for you to make some money on your unwanted or unneeded jewelry. Dave will only endorse companies that he trusts, and Gold Stash for Cash is reputable, honest and absolutely trustworthy.

So if you’re interested, visit Gold Stash for Cash’s website, and contact them about selling your old jewelry. This is just another creative way you can gain momentum on the road to Financial Peace!

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