Oklahoma Support for Wind is Across Political Spectrum: Poll

An overwhelming 91% of Oklahomans support developing more wind farms to produce the state’s electricity, according to a recent survey.

In addition, particularly notable from a national perspective, the “Sooner Survey” found strong support for both a national renewable electricity standard (RES) and the building of more wind facilities that would sell power to other states.

The survey, produced by Cole Hargrave Snodgrass & Associates, found that 67% of voters favor a requirement that 20% of the nation’s electricity come from wind power by 2025. Support for such an RES spans across political and socio-economic lines, with a 20% RES receiving support from 59% of Republicans, 67% of urban dwellers, and 68% of rural residents. A national RES for all renewable energy sources, for which AWEA and the wind energy industry strongly advocate, is currently part of legislation pending in Congress.

“This most recent edition of the Sooner Survey reveals that while politics often divides the state, Oklahomans are united in their support for harnessing the wind energy available in the state,” Director of Survey Research Pat McFerron wrote in a report on the survey.

The survey also touched on the important issue of transmission. When given arguments both for and against greater investment in transmission lines that would sell and export electricity to other states, 62% of voters opted for such an investment, while only 18% preferred a smaller investment option.

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