CA renewable energy legislation signed

October 14, 2009 -  California state officials have signed new legislation for what they call "a model of federal-state initiative and cooperation" for reviewing and applying funding for renewable energy development, in a push to meet Gov. Schwarzenegger's mandated goal of a third of its energy received via renewable sources by 2020.

"Together, we are creating a framework to expedite a robust, science-based process for siting, reviewing, approving and permitting renewable energy projects on Interior-managed lands in California," said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, in a statement.

Among the agreement's provisions:

- Establish a group of representatives to guide cooperative work;
- Develop a strategy to identify areas for renewable energy development;
- Identify specific zones for renewable energy based on environmental, wildlife, and conservation criteria -- and prioritize application processing for solar development within them, to meet the federal Recovery Act's deadline of construction by 2010; and
- Identify, with federal and state agencies, energy and transmission needs and opportunities, and designate transmission needs and corridors.

California's Natural Resources Agency and the Department of the Interior also have signed a MOU to work together to develop a "science-based process" to review, approve, and issue permits for renewable energy applications in the state, and map out the best areas for development and conservation. The DoD also will be brought in, as some lines in transmission corridors may need to cross DoD lands.

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