Do No Harm


Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation Oathkeeper

I am a Health Care Worker. My New York State Medical License Number is 111813. I will not be part of a system that harms and incarcerates people. I will not be part of a system which uses drugs to subdue and kill dissidents and socially inconvenient people, also known as "useless eaters".

If you are a Health Care Worker reading this, neither will you. If you are not a Health Care Worker and you are reading this, you know Health Care Workers, students, administrators, Janitors, Cooks, Clerks, etc., etc., who won't either. So you'll need to get them this information as quickly and effectively as you can. Ask them to take the Health Care Worker's Oath and pass it along to their colleagues. After all, when we said "NO!" to the Swine Flu vaccines, look what we accomplished.

It's time to act again. And, of course, it's time for every Health Care Worker to send the letter demainding redress to President Obama by having him rescind the Declaration of Health Emergency, just as NY State rescinded its Health Care Worker vaccination mandate last week.

I urge all conscientious health care workers to join me in taking an oath never to violate basic medical ethics, to Do No Harm, and to obey the principals of the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki: we will not be "good Germans" in the planned medical fascism.

Please go to this link to take the oath:

Just a few days ago we told you that we had won a decisive victory in the Pandemic Wars when HHS Secretary Sebelius called off the Pandemic. And, indeed we had won that victory. At the time, I told you that the other side would be back, and that is exactly what has happened. But we ARE ready for them.

The day before, DHS Secretary Napolitano opined that there would not be any economic impact to the Swine Flu because, in essence, there was no Pandemic. Two days later, New York State, bowing to public pressure - ours! - rescinded the dreadful mandate that had been placed upon health care workers for not just the Swine Flu vaccine, but all, that's right, ALL vaccines recommended by the CDC's bought-and-paid for Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

But how will the depopulation happen if there are no Swine Flu vaccinations? How will the profits for secondary disease roll in if there are no Swine Flu vaccinations? How will the political "readjustment" take place if there are no Swine Flu vaccinations?

These are serious problems for the controllers. So last Friday evening, on October 23, 2008, flying in the face of logic, shame, sense and science, President Obama, who remains unvaccinated, as do the First Daughters, declared an absurd, but very dangerous "National Health Emergency".

It will, apparently happen through the co-option and involvement of the health care system which is already controlled by Big Pharma. Fascism is the merger of the corporation and the state. This emerging fascism is nothing short of breathtaking: Big Pharma and its Global State, or is it the Global State and its handmaiden Big Pharma? They are not separable any longer. But what is clear is that the use of their corporate structures will be needed to create the next step in the destruction of your way of life and mine - and perhaps your life and mine, as well.


We submitted just under 2.4 million emails when we demanded the right to say no to vaccination without facing penalties including fines and incarceration.

That counts, big time. When this all washes out, your millions of emails will have most likely been a major force, protecting us from forced vaccinations. But now, even in the face of that strength, Big Pharma and the Globalist Elite think that we cannot rise up with the strength we need to push them back permanently. We can. We will. In fact, we must.

Now it's our turn. The other side is pushing back through this Declaration. Freedom Mouse Riders, Ready... MOUNT... CLICK!

To take the Health Care Worker's Oath, click here,

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The Voice of Global Health FreedomTM