We are spending $573,000.00 per minute on foreign oil! 


We are spending $573,000.00 per minute on foreign oil!  Not total, just on foreign oil alone!  Thats insane!!


Does anyone really understand how much money that adds up to?  Thats leaving our country for energy?
Its the greatest transfer of wealth in history, and we are letting it happen.


Everyone should be up in arms!!  Do you get it??  This is serious.


Health care is getting all the attention, but it won't matter.  If we don't take care of our energy challenges, we won't be able to afford any health care!!


Just billions a month going to people who for the most part do not like us, how long before they use it against us??
The news media doesn't get it or it would get greater priority.  Look at the numbers!  Very scary.


Click on the link for Boone Pickens latest Energy Independence Video!!