Swallow parasitic worms to eat your food for you?


Health Freedom Alliance is all for natural ways of losing weight as opposed to Big Pharma's addicting diet pills. Of course we still prefer exercise and healthy eating habits rather then the latest Hong Kong diet fad. The government of Hong Kong recently issued a warning to its citizens against ingesting Ascaris worms for weight loss purposes. One of the latest diet crazes in the country, the practice of eating the giant intestinal roundworms has become so popular that the nation's Department of Health decided to make a public statement in opposition to it.

The idea behind eating worms to lose weight, is that the parasites burrow in the gut and help to eat people's food, thus reducing the amount of ingested calories. As revolting as it sounds, the practice has become quite popular in the developed far east where obesity rates have been steadily climbing

Ascaris worms can grow up to 40 centimeters in length and lay up to 200,000 eggs a day inside a person's intestine. According to spokesmen from the Hong Kong Department of Health, the parasites can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and malnutrition. They can also cause more serious problems like biliary and pancreatic duct obstruction and lung invasion, all of which can eventually lead to death.

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Health Freedom Alliance
Health & Wellness Foundation
CHAD Foundation   http://www.healthfreedomalliance.org