Hundreds Bear Arms For 2nd Amendment


The rally was a peaceful event

Hundreds brought their guns to a Tea Party rally in Greensboro, North Carolina on Saturday to peacefully demonstrate that the Constitution protects the right to own and carry a firearm.

Two hundred attended the Restore the Constitution Rally at the Guildford Courthouse in Battleground Park, openly carrying their pistols and rifles in recognition of a new law allowing people to carry guns at federal parks.

“We want to remind Americans that they have a basic human right to keep and bear arms – both for self-defense and to preserve individual freedom – that is not only enshrined in the Bill of Rights, but is protected only by Americans’ willingness to actually exercise that right,” wrote rally organizer Randy Dye in a statement.

The many speakers at the rally included Congressional candidates Bill Randall and Dr. BJ Lawson, Tennessee gubernatorial candidate June Griffin, Civil War and Constitutional historian John Ainsworth, and conservative blogger Bubba McDowell.

Check out Randy’s Right For full videos of the speeches and more rally pics.

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