August 12, 2010

Is it killed yet? BP testing the well today


BP began a pressure test on the Macondo well this afternoon to determine if cement from last week's static kill spread far enough to make make final cementing through a relief well unnecessary.

Thad Allen, commander of the federal response to the Macondo oil spill, said it's a "low probability" that the cement pumped into the well last week from the top through the pipe-like production casing looped around the bottom of the well and and back up into the annulus -- the space between the outside of the casing and the wellbore.

But if it did and BP started pumping more cement into the annulus, there's a chance it could put pressure on the underside of the wellhead on the sea floor. Too much pressure could cause the wellhead to lift up and allow any oil still in the annulus to leak.

That isn't considered likely, but Allen said BP officials estimate there could be as much as 1,000 barrels of oil in the annulus.

The pressure test began around 2:40 p.m. and should take about four hours. When it's complete government scientists and BP engineers will discuss the results. A decision on whether to move forward with the relief well will be made either tonight or Friday morning, Allen said.

If officials decide to complete the relief well it will take about 96 hours before it intercepts the Macondo.


Posted by Tom Fowler at August 12, 2010 03:33 PM

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