No RES in Energy Bill? As Reports Circulate, AWEA Puts Out All-Call for Action


AWEA responded with great concern to reports that a high-profile Senate energy bill being drafted will not contain a renewable electricity standard (RES).

While the situation remains fluid and can change even from hour to hour, news reports coming from Capitol Hill suggested that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is pursuing energy legislation dubbed a “spill bill”—referring to measures drafted as a result of the Gulf oil spill—that would be relatively limited in scope and would not include an RES.

On Friday a coalition of trade associations including AWEA and environmental and labor groups sent a letter to Senator Reid urging that an RES be included in the energy bill. Earlier this week, AWEA called on its members to contact their Senators and urge them to support an RES. AWEA is continuing its all-out push to ensure that energy legislation includes an RES, which it has repeatedly said is crucial to the wind industry’s ability to create and maintain jobs. The trade association continues to urge all wind advocates to contact their Senators about the RES. For more information on taking action now, go to

In a statement, AWEA CEO Denise Bode said, “A bipartisan bill with a national renewable electricity standard passed the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee over a year ago. It is beyond comprehension that we are now hearing that the bill may never be brought to the Senate floor.

“Only about 700 MW of wind power were added in the second quarter of 2010 and wind power installations to date this year have dropped by 54% and 69% from 2008 and 2009 levels, respectively. Manufacturing investment also continues to lag below 2008 and 2009 levels.

“A refusal to pass an RES is an attack on every American worker and consumer. Not passing an RES endangers at least 360,000 jobs:  85,000 currently employed in the wind industry and the potential 274,000 additional jobs created by an RES. Workers, families, and our country demand a new energy future. That future must emphasize new strategies that embrace clean, renewable sources of energy that reduce costs, create jobs, and enhance our national security.”

Over the course of the summer, pressure has built for Congress to act on energy legislation, particularly in light of the Gulf oil spill. The hope has been that the Senate would pass meaningful legislation before it leaves for August recess and prior to the fall run-up to Congressional elections. AWEA is part of a new coalition of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and biofuels industries calling for legislation that would include a strong RES, among other provisions. The coalition sent a letter to the White and Senators calling for energy legislation that would include such provisions.

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