Why Americans Will Never Revolt Against Government


You will not like these facts but if you have been frustrated as to why people don’t get mad as hell and revolt against government, I have written this to explain it. It is so obvious that I will be surprised to receive any intelligent disagreements. Hang on…

50% of adults work for government at a local, county, state or federal level, or for a corporation that has a contract with the federal government. None will bite the hand that feeds them.

10% are unemployed and will not bite the hand that feeds them.

15% are on welfare and will never ever bite the hand that feeds them.

20% are getting or within a few years be getting social security and will never bite the hand that feeds them.

That leaves 5% that are not being fed by government and are used to feed the other 95%. However, due to social norms and media spin along with the fear that it would only get worse if they do rise up against government, they too will never revolt against government. The only chance for these 5% to become unburdened, is for a worldwide economic collapse in which the other 95% die off and loose their ability to control a system that funds their free ride on the back of the few. So, ask yourself—- how bad do you want to be free Jack? I say, absolutely free.


This article originally published at:  http://drleonardcoldwell.com/2010/08/22/why-americans-will-never-revolt-against-government/