'President Trump' Would Tell Obama: 'You're Fired'

By Bill Spetrino

With today’s 9.8 percent unemployment figure and the buffoons in Washington wanting to raise taxes on the majority of successful small-business owners, I have come to the conclusion that we need someone who has actually created jobs to be our next president.

Donald Trump has mentioned that he is seriously considering a run for the presidency in 2012.

Trump said he is "worried about the direction the country is going in," referring to the multitrillion dollar national debt, among other problems.

"We are rebuilding China. Everything is made in China. It's scary," said Trump, who acknowledged that in his company’s buildings, many of the materials, including windows, have been ordered from China.

"Do we make anything in this country anymore?" the New York City resident asked.

He also called for the person who leaked the military documents to WikiLeaks: Private First Class Bradley Manning.

Trump called him “low-class” Private Manning and said life in prison and possibly the death penalty would be appropriate.

Trump also mentioned how in China, Manning would be dealt with quickly and more harshly than he is being treated here.

This, in my opinion, was a slap at how for six months President Barack Obama hasn’t publicly denounced Manning’s behavior.

I strongly favor Trump.

First, he has actually run a business and is an experienced negotiator.
I can tell you that dealing with the Chinese and Russians wouldn’t be one-sided if Trump was in charge.

He won’t hire power-hungry academics without real-world knowledge but instead will hire experienced businessmen and women with practical knowledge.

The main reason is that Trump doesn’t need the money that goes with being president. He is already a multibillionaire and trying to bribe him would be an exercise in futility.

For Trump, it is simply about accomplishing another challenge.
Trump is a powerful man and his ego, while large, would ensure he would put America’s best interests at heart instead of becoming power-hungry as many world leaders have done.

According to two independent sources who don’t know each other, Trump is waiting to see if the American people “want to draft him.”

He doesn’t want to lose or give folks what they “don’t want,” according to both my sources.

I feel strongly about Trump in 2012. I am starting a nationwide petition to gauge interest.

Please e-mail us at financialcustomerservice@newsmax.com with your comments and next week I will report the percentage of how many of you support him and how many support Obama.

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About the Author: Bill Spetrino
Bill Spetrino is a member of the Moneynews Financial Brain Trust. Click Here to read more of his articles. He is also the editor of the Dividend Machine. Discover more by Clicking Here Now.

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