Report on vitamin D


On November 30, the Institute of Medicine issued a new report on vitamin D. How did the report compare to the opinion of experts like the Vitamin D Council1?

The Institute of Medicine Vitamin D Experts
Americans should take no more than 600 IU of vitamin D per day. Americans should take 1,000–5,000 IU daily for optimum health.
The average American is already getting enough vitamin D. As many as two-thirds of Americans are deficient in this essential vitamin.
More than 4,000 IU daily is unsafe. Up to 10,000 IU daily can be taken safely without a doctor’s supervision (some experts say up to 25,000 IU).

Worse still, although the RDA of vitamin D was dramatically increased, mainstream media outlets spun the report as though it discouraged higher vitamin D doses with headlines like “Can Too Much Vitamin D Be Hazardous to Your Health?” (Wall Street Journal)2 and “Vitamin D Report Shocker: High Doses Unnecessary, Risky” (CBS News)3.

The timing couldn’t be worse as we move into flu season, when Americans and Canadians need vitamin D the most!

As you might expect, ANH-USA has a plan to counter the bad science in the IOM’s report. How will we do that?

  • First, we’re revving up our campaign to ensure the public is told the truth about vitamin D. How?
    • We’re reaching out to media with press releases and letters to editors.
    • We’re gathering signatures from scientific and medical experts on an open letter repudiating the report’s findings.
    • With your help, we’re petitioning Congress to appoint a new scientific panel that will examine all the evidence on vitamin D and ask the GAO to investigate the IOM’s behavior in creating the report.
  • Second, we plan to file Qualified Health Claims for vitamin D with the FDA. If we succeed, vitamin D supplement producers will be free to tell their customers about scientific studies that show the benefit of taking vitamin D during flu season. If the FDA attempts to suppress these claims, we will take them to court and force them to allow the claims, just as we have previously done for selenium.

The Alliance for Natural Health USA
1350 Connecticut Ave NW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20036
Ph: 800.230.2762