The New Food Freedom Action Plan!

“So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.” Senator Amidala (Star Wars)

Everyone who worked so hard to hold off the massive increase in Federal food control represented by the fake “food safety” bill passed by the House [4:50 PM 12.21.10] deserves our sincerest thanks.

Action Item to the White House: “Michelle, Please Intervene…”

What we gained although we lost…

While we ultimately may not have stopped this in the Congress, the law that was adopted is a different creature than we would have faced had we not opposed it every step of the way. Recall, the first version of the bill that passed the House in July ‘09 had severe penalties and no significant exemption for local production and distribution. The version that passed the Senate at the end of November 2010 not only had no such severe penalties, but did have a rather weak exemption for some local production and distribution.

It also did not have, as it might have, without our Push Back, two draconian bills that had been introduced in the Senate to prepare the way to add their terms to the final “food safety” bill; these were Sen. McCain’s discredited S.3002 which would have brought Dietary Supplements under even greater Federal control and the “criminalization of speech about food claims” bill, S.3767, introduced by the majority party “leadership” late in the session. The criminal penalty bill, while remaining a future risk, went nowhere, after over a hundred thousand messages of opposition. Opposition to McCain’s attempt to legislate Codex compliance was so great that he withdrew his own support from his own bill a month and a day after introducing it in February 2010. And the final bill adopted today has a stronger local food exemption, with an inflation escalation clause, so the exemption may become meaningful, depending on how the final regulations are written.

lamest of Lame-ducks feathering their nests…

This is what happened, after the GOP Senators turned their back on us (see: letting the majority party have its way late Sunday night: the House gave cursory consideration to the matter and our representatives were given a few minutes to cast their votes, today, Tuesday. The vote was 216 to 144 with many Republicans failing to even vote “No!” to show their support for Food Freedom. A few brave Democrats also stood with the voters in voting against 4,000 new FDA inspectors; secret regulations; effective Federal take-over of State food inspection agencies; HARMonization with Codex Alimentarius’ restrictions one step closer…

Of course, we cannot allow this to stand. What are our next steps? What is the Plan?

1. We are starting a campaign asking First Lady, wife of POTUS, mother, organic gardner and childhood obesity activist Michelle Obama, to help veto the bill and for the White House to intervene in the FDA regulation-making process to make sure that our very serious concerns get addressed:

a. Implementing the exemption for local production and distribution in the least burdensome way.

b. Assuring that Section 104’s “in the interest of national security” clause is not used to create secret regulations favoring Big AgBiz and,

c. No “back-door” HARMonization of our food freedoms with international Codex Alimentarius restrictions.

2. We will seek to prevent any funding for this increase in Federal power in the new Congress.

3. We continue to urge families to develop their own square foot gardens and become as independent as possible from the attempt to control our food to restrict our freedoms. See:

We are deeply grateful for the support that the Health and Food Freedom Movement received from so many individuals and organizations across the educational/political/civic spectrum. Groups as diverse as Organic Consumers, Farmers and Gardeners; family ranch, dairy and farm groups; major Tea Party alliances, including Tea Party Patriots; Freedom Advocates (like Campaign for Liberty, Downsize DC) joined with health freedom groups such as Health Freedom USA, Natural News and Citizens for Health followed our lead and fought with vigor and dedication against food fascim in this bill. There are other significant issues about which members of this transpartisan coalition will no doubt work together over the next months and years. This is an inestimable benefit in the long struggle for Liberty…

The struggle for Health and Food Freedom is far from over!

Thank you all,

Maj Gen Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret), President
Rima E. Laibow MD, Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola JD, Counsel
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees

PS – We discuss and review Health and Food Freedom issues on the Dr. Rima Reports, Sundays 9 to noon, Central time-

PS #2 – Continuing the struggle, as we will, requires ever more resources… please help us by donating here:


Senate GOP S.510 Cosponsors:

Sen Alexander, Lamar [TN] - 3/3/2009
* Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] - 11/18/2009
Sen Burr, Richard [NC] - 3/3/2009
Sen Burris, Roland [IL] - 6/24/2009
*S en Casey, Robert P., Jr. [PA] - 9/21/2010
Sen Chambliss, Saxby [GA] - 3/4/2009
Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] - 3/3/2009
Sen Enzi, Michael B. [WY] - 11/30/2009
Sen Franken, Al [MN] - 11/29/2010
Sen Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [NY] - 10/14/2009
Sen Gregg, Judd [NH] - 3/3/2009
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 11/30/2009
* Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] - 11/9/2009
Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] - 3/3/2009
Sen Kaufman, Edward E. [DE] - 9/13/2010
Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] - 3/3/2009
* Sen Klobuchar, Amy [MN] - 3/4/2009
* Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 9/13/2010
Sen Nelson, E. Benjamin [NE] - 6/16/2010
Sen Udall, Tom [NM] - 7/28/2009
Sen Vitter, David

Health Freedom Alliance
Health & Wellness Foundation
CHAD Foundation