Hillsdale College

"Hillsdale deserves the appreciation of all who labor for freedom . . .
Your creative outreach on national issues enables little Hillsdale to cast a long shadow."

2010 Annual Fund Drive
to Rescue Liberty...

and Stop America's Slide Toward Bigger
Government and Bureaucratic Despotism
Sean Hannity

Read a special message about Hillsdale College from Sean Hannity.
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Dear Supporter of Freedom,

My name is Dr. Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, and I am writing to you because I know you are a well-informed American who shares our alarm about America's current national leadership.

You might have heard our ads on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and other great conservative radio shows.

The purpose of these ads is to get millions of Americans involved in the battle to rescue liberty and oppose America's slide toward bigger government and bureaucratic despotism.

We also want to let Americans know that there is a world-class college in America that believes in liberty and the principles of limited government that made America great.

That college is Hillsdale College -- which Forbes magazine now ranks ahead of three Ivy League colleges and many other prominent schools.

I am guessing that you are as alarmed as we are that liberty in America is now on the brink of being extinguished -- which is why I have two specific requests:

1) We are asking those who believe in liberty to join and support Hillsdale College's four-part Campaign in Defense of Liberty in 2010 to teach tens of millions of Americans about the principles of liberty and limited government that made America great . . .
. . .so that we can STOP America's slide into bigger government and bureaucratic despotism (which is even more dangerous than socialism).

2) As part of this campaign, we hope to include your views in our 2010 National Survey on the American Leadership Crisis and the Purpose of a College Education.


Why Your Participation
in the Survey is Important

As part of Hillsdale's national campaign to revive an appreciation of liberty and of the Constitution, we are conducting a survey of 1,000,000 citizens who we have identified as well-informed . . . who understand that America's future leaders come from America's colleges . . . and who know that the thinking of America's future leaders is shaped by their college experience.

The survey has two main goals:

1)  We want to show America's political leaders that federal intrusion in education is unnecessary and corrupting.

The more government interferes with education, the more government has hurt education.

We want to show America's political leaders -- including President Obama and members of Congress -- that Hillsdale remains a world-class college without accepting one penny of taxpayer money.

And we also want to show America's political leaders that most Americans don't want the kind of college or university that results from intrusive regulation by the Department of Education.

We expect this survey to show that most parents and students want an education that includes American history, teaches the importance of the Constitution to liberty, and supports the moral beliefs most families teach at home -- instead of undermining what most Americans believe.

2)  We want to show the leaders of America's colleges and universities why Hillsdale has been so successful.

It's because Hillsdale is delivering what most parents and students want from a college -- a world-class education that supports the moral truths taught in most American homes.

Obviously, there's no way Hillsdale can teach every student in America.

Ideally, we would like to see other colleges and universities in America become more like Hillsdale.

Many colleges and universities are seeing a decline in student applications for admission.

But if these colleges were to start offering Americans what they want and expect from a college education, they would start attracting more students.

We aim to show that with this survey.  So we will be sharing the results with America's educational leaders. 


Hillsdale's Four-Part Plan
to Rescue Liberty in America in 2010

Hillsdale College, by contrast, is dedicated to training a new generation of leaders for America who understand the Constitution of the United States and who will uphold and defend liberty.

That, in summary, is the Hillsdale College difference.

But Hillsdale has made a decision in 2010 to bring our educational programs that promote liberty to tens of millions of Americans . . . because we are not going to get political leaders who uphold liberty until we have citizens who understand and value liberty.

That is why Hillsdale College has launched the following four-part plan to rescue liberty in 2010:

Goal #1: Completing construction of its new Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C.

Hillsdale College has purchased a 16,000 square-foot building just a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol that will serve as the headquarters for all of our efforts to . . .

1) Enable Hillsdale students to serve as interns in our government so they can be prepared for future leadership;

2) Teach America's political leaders (especially members of Congress) about the principles of America's founding fathers and the importance of the Constitution to freedom; and

3) Provide the best research and teachings on how many of the policies being enacted today violate the Constitution.

We are now building the conference rooms needed to host educational programs on the Constitution for Hillsdale's students, members of Congress, their staff, key government officials, and the general public.

The Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship will also serve as a home base for our undergraduate students who are serving as interns in Congress, throughout government, and in the media.

And while construction is underway, Hillsdale is already conducting educational programs on Capitol Hill and at other locations in Washington.   

I am pleasantly surprised at the enormous turnout we've been seeing for our educational programs on liberty -- including members of Congress, their staff, and the news media.


Goal #2: Make Hillsdale's educational programs on liberty available to millions more Americans over the Internet.

Hillsdale is in the process of making our educational programs on liberty available to millions of Americans via the Internet.

For example, you will be able to see and hear many of the lectures, seminars, conferences, and briefings held at the new Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies at home on your computer.

Our goal is to have millions of Americans taking part in the Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies online education programs on the Constitution and principles of liberty . . . because we can't rescue liberty in America if our nation's citizens don't understand the principles of our Constitution, and why reviving and upholding their principles are vital to American liberty and prosperity.

Goal #3: Continue to expand Hillsdale's radio ads on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and other radio shows that promote liberty and oppose bigger government and bureaucratic despotism.

Hillsdale is conducting this ad campaign to let friends of liberty across America know that there is an excellent alternative to America's typical elite colleges and universities that undermine the moral truths taught in most American homes and the political and economic principles that made America the freest and most prosperous country in human history.

As part of this promotional campaign, we also invite listeners to sign up for a no-charge subscription to Imprimis, Hillsdale College's flagship publication on liberty.

In fact, we will gladly send you a complimentary subscription to Imprimis as our way of thanking you for participating in the survey by going here right now.  

What we do in the pages of Imprimis is reprint the best speeches and lectures that have been delivered at Hillsdale College events . . . because we want these great speeches to be available not just to our students, but to millions of thinking Americans.

Lectures and speeches reprinted in the pages of Imprimis have included such speakers as . . .
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • William F. Buckley, Jr.
  • Milton Friedman (the Nobel Prize winning free-market economist)
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Steve Forbes
  • And many other defenders of liberty and the U.S. Constitution
We especially look to reach influential Americans with Imprimis -- including journalists, teachers, professors, members of Congress, congressional staff, military officers, business leaders, authors, attorneys, judges, government officials, media executives, newscasters, radio and TV talk show hosts, youth leaders, and others of those most responsible for leading and shaping public opinion.

So far more than 1,800,000 Americans have signed up to receive Imprimis -- making Imprimis the world's most widely read publication promoting liberty and the principles that made America great.

It costs Hillsdale about 19 cents for every copy of Imprimis we mail to a free subscriber.

That means it costs Hillsdale about $342,000 every time we mail one issue of Imprimis to our 1,800,000 no-cost subscribers.  Then multiply that number by 10 for the year.

Our goal, with your help, is to have 3,000,000 Imprimis readers by the end of this year because we want ever increasing numbers of thoughtful and influential Americans to hear about the threats to liberty today and how to defeat them.

This will require a substantial commitment and investment.  

In fact, the only way we can do this is with donations from Americans like you who understand the long-term value of maintaining a world-class institution of higher learning dedicated to teaching the principles of liberty -- especially to our current and future national leaders.

And of course, just by taking the survey, we will start sending you Imprimis as well.  And we will count you as a valued new member of the Hillsdale family.

Goal #4: Remaining independent of federal bureaucrats . . .

. . . so that Hillsdale is never forced to compromise its commitment to liberty and intellectual honesty.

Now, here's something else you should know about Hillsdale College.

Unlike almost all other colleges and universities, Hillsdale refuses all federal taxpayer subsidies because we don't want government bureaucrats telling Hillsdale who we must hire, who we must admit for enrollment (especially if they don't meet Hillsdale's tough academic standards), or what we are allowed to teach.

As we have seen recently with the banks, federal aid comes with federal strings, which are corrupting.  And we don't want that for Hillsdale.

So we REJECT all federal taxpayer subsidies -- even in the form of student grants and loans.   

This means 100% of Hillsdale College's funds must come from student tuition and contributions from Americans like you who care about liberty and the future of our great nation.

Contributions from our generous supporters help keep tuition affordable for our students.

We don't want money to be a barrier for any qualified student to attend Hillsdale College and learn to cherish and defend liberty.


My Request To You

As you can see, Hillsdale has an ambitious plan to promote liberty in 2010!  Most notable is its plan to make seminars about the Constitution available to millions of Americans on the Internet.

But Hillsdale cannot continue to expand its educational outreach programs in defense of liberty without contributions from citizens like you who believe in liberty and share our alarm at the direction President Obama and this Congress are taking America.

So can I count on you to make your most generous contribution to Hillsdale today as part of our Annual Fund Drive for 2010?

Some of Hillsdale's benefactors make gifts of $1,000 or even more, while other friends of Hillsdale are making an equal sacrifice by offering gifts of $25 or $50.

But if your contribution is $500 or more, you become eligible to have your name (or the name of a loved one you would like to honor) engraved permanently in a brick on the Liberty Walkway of Honor located on the Hillsdale Campus.

This Liberty Walkway of Honor serves as a reminder to our students to be thankful for our supporters and benefactors who help keep tuition affordable with their donations.

Only you know what the right contribution amount is for you.

What's most important is for you to contribute what you can . . . because I consider every dollar we receive in donations here at Hillsdale as a vote of support for what we represent -- an institution of higher learning that defends liberty and that can compete for the best professors and students with America's liberal elite colleges and universities.

Please answer my message right now by clicking this link before you go onto something else and possibly forget.

I hope I can count on you to answer this email right now by going here and completing our survey, as well as making your best contribution for 2010.


Dr. Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College
Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty since 1844

P.S.   Forbes magazine now ranks Hillsdale College ahead of such prestigious Ivy League colleges as Dartmouth, Cornell, Duke, and others of America's most prominent schools -- proving that we can be unapologetic in our defense of liberty and be recognized as a world-class college.

America is rapidly losing its liberty because too many Americans (including America's political leaders) have little understanding of how vital our Constitution is to liberty and prosperity.

That's why Hillsdale in 2010, with your support, aims to reach tens of millions of Americans through our educational programs that are aimed at reviving an appreciation and understanding of liberty by:

1) Completing construction of the new Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C. (a few blocks from Congress);

2) Allowing millions of Americans to participate via the Internet in the new Kirby Center's programs on liberty and the importance of our Constitution;

3) Increasing our free subscribers to Imprimis from 1,800,000 to 3,000,000 in 2010 (with a special focus on reaching leaders and shapers of public opinion); and

4) Maintain Hillsdale's unique independence from federal funding and federal control in order to train a new generation of American leaders who have character and integrity, and who believe in liberty.

So I hope you will send the best gift of support you can as part of our Annual Fund Drive for 2010 . . . because the only way we can fund these programs is with generous contributions from friends of Hillsdale College like you, who share our alarm at how liberty in America is under an all-out assault by our own government. 


From the Desk of:

Dear Supporter of Liberty,

shannityHow many members of Congress do you think have read the U.S. Constitution?

I would guess not many, judging by the explosive growth in the size of government that we have seen over the past half-century, and particularly over the past year.

Today, our Founding Fathers would not recognize the America they created, as President Obama and the Left use their political power to nationalize huge portions of our economy.

That's why I want to tell you about Hillsdale College -- America's premier college that teaches its students about the blessing of liberty and about our nation's founding principles.

Unlike most other colleges in America, Hillsdale teaches its students that our Constitution is the greatest charter of liberty ever written, and that it is the reason America emerged quickly as the freest, most prosperous nation in human history.

Unlike most other colleges,
Hillsdale does not denigrate America.  Instead Hillsdale teaches its students that the United States is a great nation -- but a nation  that is in danger because our national leaders have so little understanding of the principles of liberty and limited government that are the reason for its greatness.

Forbes magazine ranks Hillsdale College as one of the "Top 100 Colleges in America" today -- ahead of three Ivy League schools and many other prestigious institutions.

I have been a huge fan of Hillsdale College for a long time. 

I very much hope you will join me in supporting Hillsdale College . . . because I can't think of a project more important than raising up a new generation of American leaders who believe in liberty.

Sean Hannity

Legal Disclaimer: Your gift to Hillsdale College is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.  To make your contribution to Hillsdale College, please go here now.

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