Israeli Vice PM Warns Iran;  Choose 'The Bomb' or 'Survival'

People from 90+ countries participated in Epicenter webcast

By Joel C. Rosenberg

(Philadelphia, PA, June 29, 2010) -- In a blunt message at the 2010 Epicenter Conference that suggested a war between Israel and Iran may not be far off, Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon on Saturday warned Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to choose "the Bomb" or "survival."

Yaalon said he agreed with the U.S. assessment that Iran is between one and three years away from acquiring a nuclear weapon. He said there is still time to stop Iran, but time is running out. He warned that "any American hopes of attracting Syria, Lebanon, or Turkey away from Iran would effectively be dead" if Iran builds nuclear weapons. He also said Turkey is rapidly shifting from a moderate democracy to an Islamic republic and suggested this is of great concern to the Israeli government. Yaalon delivered a powerful and detailed 55 minute policy address, then did a 30 minute Q&A session with me that covered everything from the status of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit being held by Hamas, to Islamic eschatology and the Twelfth Imam, and Yaalon's fascinating personal history and where his family came to Israel from.

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the 2010 Epicenter Conference, and everyone who helped pull the event together. We were encouraged that people from over 90 countries around the world viewed the webcast, including those from Israel, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Sudan.

At, you can now order a DVD set of all of the messages delivered at the conference. This includes fascinating presentations by Vice PM Yaalon, Lt.-General Jerry Boykin, Greg Laurie, Kay Arthur, Tony Perkins, Israeli Pastor Wayne Hilsden, Iranian Pastor Hormoz Shariat, as well as my closing talk on "How To Build A Global Movement To Bless Israel and Her Neighbors, Come What May." The DVD set also includes a bonus feature, a two-hour seminar by Hormoz Shariat and Mideast ministry expert Tom Doyle on how to share the love of Jesus Christ with your Muslim friends and neighbors.

I would encourage you to get a set of the DVDs to watch as a family, and with your small group Bible study or home fellowship group. You may also want to send a copy to Christian workers that you pray for and support around the world.

CBN correspondent Erick Stakelback posted an on-line report on Saturday night on Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon's address and Q&A session at the 2010 Epicenter Conference. "Yaalon was undoubtedly the most anticipated speaker for the roughly 1,500 in attendance and 20,000 tuning in via satellite from around the world," Stackelback wrote. "I'll be filing a report on the conference for Tuesday's edition of the 700 Club, but I wanted to fill everyone in right away on what I think was a very newsworthy speech by Yaalon, who is the second highest ranking official in the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Yaalon received no less than three rousing standing ovations at Epicenter-one lasting for at least two minutes and punctuated by raucous cheers of support. A former Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, Yaalon has a reputation for being a serious man who's as tough as they come. But he appeared genuinely impressed and appreciative of the outpouring of love and affection he received from the Epicenter audience and gave it right back with some kind words for evangelical Christians throughout his almost one hour speech, which was followed by a hard-hitting Q and A session with Rosenberg in which "Bogie" addressed everything from Iranian nukes to Turkey's Islamist turn to the state of U.S./Israel relations. Below are some of the highlights from a riveting afternoon with the Vice Prime Minister. Yaalon began his speech by outlining Israel's four primary strategic challenges…."

To read the rest of the CBN report, please go to Joel's weblog,

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