FDA Creates an Ear Candle Ban!

Natural Solutions Foundation Action Item Says, "Back Off, FDA!''

Tell the FDA to BACK OFF! http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=2521

Have you ever tried an Ear Candle? It is a pleasant experience and some say a curative one. Be that as it may, this relaxation tool is one of the many choices that you might want to make to follow a healthy and natural health path. But the FDA has decided that NOW is the time to ban them in the total absence of any substantiation of any kind. Make no mistake: this is not about cones of wax through which you might relax your body. The battle is about your freedom to make your choices your way today, tomorrow and the next day. This is the same battle as the one that is being waged in the Senate against your right to choose nutrients for your health and the one against your access to clean, healthy food. Today it is Ear Candles. Tomorrow it could be a massage tool or a herbal nutrient or tomatoes you grow in your own back yard, corn without GMO genes, etc.

The next day? Who knows? Only the globalists and their minions.

Consider: the FDA has decided to ban Ear Candles. No one has ever died from ear candles. There are 5 adverse event reports about Ear Candles.

Meanwhile the FDA routinely approves dangerous drugs that kill over 150,000 Americans annually, when properly prescribed. five adverse event reports in ten years are apparently sufficient to deny adults their right to engage in this traditional relaxation technique. We say "NO!" to yet more Nanny State interference in our private lives!

Natural Solutions Foundation is entering a Citizens Peititon, which is a law suit against the FDA, for taking this draconian and irrational step.

Read more here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4790