It's time our leaders step up


It's time our leaders step up and show us, are they for us or foreign oil? They need to pass The Nat Gas Act and also support other American alternative fuels. If they aren't a co-sponsor, where's their plan? If they don't have one, they had better sign on to Boone Pickens Plan or we will assume they are in with the foreign oil interests! $573,000.00 per minute spent for foreign oil has to stop. That money could stimulate a whole lot of our economy and jobs if it was spent and stayed in America instead. It's time our leaders show us exactly where they stand. Americans want to know.

Find out more at  We need to stop this massive transfer of wealth out of America!!

Dave Clement

David L Clement
CNG Services of Arizona State Leader, Pickens Plan Vice- Chair, Tucson Regional Clean Cities Coalition
480-461-5166 Cel 480-789-1498
Fax 480-615-4338
439 N Clement
Mesa, Arizona